Working-memory, alpha-theta oscillations and musical training in older age: Research perspectives for speech-on-speech perception
During the normal course of aging, perception of speech-on-speech or “cocktail party”
speech and use of working memory (WM) abilities change. Musical training, which is a …
speech and use of working memory (WM) abilities change. Musical training, which is a …
[HTML][HTML] School-age children benefit from voice gender cue differences for the perception of speech in competing speech
Differences in speakers' voice characteristics, such as mean fundamental frequency (F0)
and vocal-tract length (VTL), that primarily define speakers' so-called perceived voice …
and vocal-tract length (VTL), that primarily define speakers' so-called perceived voice …
Tinnitus impairs segregation of competing speech in normal-hearing listeners
Many tinnitus patients report difficulties understanding speech in noise or competing talkers,
despite having “normal” hearing in terms of audiometric thresholds. The interference caused …
despite having “normal” hearing in terms of audiometric thresholds. The interference caused …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of informational and energetic/modulation masking on the efficiency and ease of speech communication across the lifespan
Children and older adults have greater difficulty understanding speech when there are other
voices in the background (informational masking, IM) than when the interference is a steady …
voices in the background (informational masking, IM) than when the interference is a steady …
Tonal language speakers are better able to segregate competing speech according to talker sex differences
J Zhang, X Wang, N Wang, X Fu, T Gan… - Journal of Speech …, 2020 - pubs.asha.org
Purpose The aim of this study was to compare release from masking (RM) between
Mandarin-speaking and English-speaking listeners with normal hearing for competing …
Mandarin-speaking and English-speaking listeners with normal hearing for competing …
[HTML][HTML] Bilateral and bimodal cochlear implant listeners can segregate competing speech using talker sex cues, but not spatial cues
S Willis, K Xu, M Thomas, Q Gopen, A Ishiyama… - JASA Express …, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
Cochlear implant (CI) users have greater difficulty perceiving talker sex and spatial cues
than do normal-hearing (NH) listeners. The present study measured recognition of target …
than do normal-hearing (NH) listeners. The present study measured recognition of target …
Musical experience enhances time discrimination: Evidence from cortical responses
J **, Q Zheng, H Liu, K Feng, Y Bai… - Annals of the New York …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Time discrimination, a critical aspect of auditory perception, is influenced by numerous
factors. Previous research has suggested that musical experience can restructure the brain …
factors. Previous research has suggested that musical experience can restructure the brain …
[HTML][HTML] Tonal language experience facilitates the use of spatial cues for segregating competing speech in bimodal cochlear implant listeners
B Chen, X Zhang, J Chen, Y Shi, X Zou, P Liu… - JASA Express …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
English-speaking bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant (CI) users can segregate
competing speech using talker sex cues but not spatial cues. While tonal language …
competing speech using talker sex cues but not spatial cues. While tonal language …
Binaural heterophasic superdirective beamforming
The superdirective beamformer, while attractive for processing broadband acoustic signals,
often suffers from the problem of white noise amplification. So, its application requires well …
often suffers from the problem of white noise amplification. So, its application requires well …
Speech understanding in diffuse steady noise in typically hearing and hard of hearing listeners
J Bestel, E Legris, F Rembaud, T Mom, JJ Galvin III - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Spatial cues can facilitate segregation of target speech from maskers. However, in clinical
practice, masked speech understanding is most often evaluated using co-located speech …
practice, masked speech understanding is most often evaluated using co-located speech …