Working-memory, alpha-theta oscillations and musical training in older age: Research perspectives for speech-on-speech perception

R Gray, A Sarampalis, D Başkent… - Frontiers in aging …, 2022 -
During the normal course of aging, perception of speech-on-speech or “cocktail party”
speech and use of working memory (WM) abilities change. Musical training, which is a …

[HTML][HTML] School-age children benefit from voice gender cue differences for the perception of speech in competing speech

L Nagels, E Gaudrain, D Vickers, P Hendriks… - The Journal of the …, 2021 -
Differences in speakers' voice characteristics, such as mean fundamental frequency (F0)
and vocal-tract length (VTL), that primarily define speakers' so-called perceived voice …

Tinnitus impairs segregation of competing speech in normal-hearing listeners

YW Liu, B Wang, B Chen, JJ Galvin III, QJ Fu - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
Many tinnitus patients report difficulties understanding speech in noise or competing talkers,
despite having “normal” hearing in terms of audiometric thresholds. The interference caused …

[HTML][HTML] The effects of informational and energetic/modulation masking on the efficiency and ease of speech communication across the lifespan

O Tuomainen, S Rosen, L Taschenberger… - Speech …, 2024 - Elsevier
Children and older adults have greater difficulty understanding speech when there are other
voices in the background (informational masking, IM) than when the interference is a steady …

Tonal language speakers are better able to segregate competing speech according to talker sex differences

J Zhang, X Wang, N Wang, X Fu, T Gan… - Journal of Speech …, 2020 -
Purpose The aim of this study was to compare release from masking (RM) between
Mandarin-speaking and English-speaking listeners with normal hearing for competing …

[HTML][HTML] Bilateral and bimodal cochlear implant listeners can segregate competing speech using talker sex cues, but not spatial cues

S Willis, K Xu, M Thomas, Q Gopen, A Ishiyama… - JASA Express …, 2021 -
Cochlear implant (CI) users have greater difficulty perceiving talker sex and spatial cues
than do normal-hearing (NH) listeners. The present study measured recognition of target …

Musical experience enhances time discrimination: Evidence from cortical responses

J **, Q Zheng, H Liu, K Feng, Y Bai… - Annals of the New York …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Time discrimination, a critical aspect of auditory perception, is influenced by numerous
factors. Previous research has suggested that musical experience can restructure the brain …

[HTML][HTML] Tonal language experience facilitates the use of spatial cues for segregating competing speech in bimodal cochlear implant listeners

B Chen, X Zhang, J Chen, Y Shi, X Zou, P Liu… - JASA Express …, 2024 -
English-speaking bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant (CI) users can segregate
competing speech using talker sex cues but not spatial cues. While tonal language …

Binaural heterophasic superdirective beamforming

Y Wang, J Chen, J Benesty, J **, G Huang - Sensors, 2020 -
The superdirective beamformer, while attractive for processing broadband acoustic signals,
often suffers from the problem of white noise amplification. So, its application requires well …

Speech understanding in diffuse steady noise in typically hearing and hard of hearing listeners

J Bestel, E Legris, F Rembaud, T Mom, JJ Galvin III - Plos one, 2022 -
Spatial cues can facilitate segregation of target speech from maskers. However, in clinical
practice, masked speech understanding is most often evaluated using co-located speech …