Self-healing injectable hydrogels for tissue regeneration
Biomaterials with the ability to self-heal and recover their structural integrity offer many
advantages for applications in biomedicine. The past decade has witnessed the rapid …
advantages for applications in biomedicine. The past decade has witnessed the rapid …
Polymeric tissue adhesives
Polymeric tissue adhesives provide versatile materials for wound management and are
widely used in a variety of medical settings ranging from minor to life-threatening tissue …
widely used in a variety of medical settings ranging from minor to life-threatening tissue …
ECM-mimetic immunomodulatory hydrogel for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus–infected chronic skin wound healing
The treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds remains a substantial clinical challenge due to
deteriorative tissue microenvironment including the loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) …
deteriorative tissue microenvironment including the loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) …
Structurally dynamic hydrogels for biomedical applications: pursuing a fine balance between macroscopic stability and microscopic dynamics
Owing to their unique chemical and physical properties, hydrogels are attracting increasing
attention in both basic and translational biomedical studies. Although the classical hydrogels …
attention in both basic and translational biomedical studies. Although the classical hydrogels …
Materials design for bone-tissue engineering
Successful materials design for bone-tissue engineering requires an understanding of the
composition and structure of native bone tissue, as well as appropriate selection of …
composition and structure of native bone tissue, as well as appropriate selection of …
Chemically modified biopolymers for the formation of biomedical hydrogels
Biopolymers are natural polymers sourced from plants and animals, which include a variety
of polysaccharides and polypeptides. The inclusion of biopolymers into biomedical …
of polysaccharides and polypeptides. The inclusion of biopolymers into biomedical …
Carbohydrate-based macromolecular biomaterials
Carbohydrates are the most abundant and one of the most important biomacromolecules in
Nature. Except for energy-related compounds, carbohydrates can be roughly divided into …
Nature. Except for energy-related compounds, carbohydrates can be roughly divided into …
[HTML][HTML] 3D printing of hydrogels: Rational design strategies and emerging biomedical applications
Abstract 3D printing alias additive manufacturing can transform 3D virtual models created by
computer-aided design (CAD) into physical 3D objects in a layer-by-layer manner …
computer-aided design (CAD) into physical 3D objects in a layer-by-layer manner …
Progress in gelatin as biomaterial for tissue engineering
Tissue engineering has become a medical alternative in this society with an ever-increasing
lifespan. Advances in the areas of technology and biomaterials have facilitated the use of …
lifespan. Advances in the areas of technology and biomaterials have facilitated the use of …
Stimuli‐responsive crosslinked nanomedicine for cancer treatment
Nanomedicines are attractive paradigms to deliver drugs, contrast agents,
immunomodulators, and gene editors for cancer therapy and diagnosis. However, the …
immunomodulators, and gene editors for cancer therapy and diagnosis. However, the …