A systematic review on fake news themes reported in literature

M Celliers, M Hattingh - Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of …, 2020‏ - Springer
In this systematic literature review, a study of the factors involved in the spreading of fake
news, have been provided. In this review, the root causes of the spreading of fake news are …

Librarians against fake news: A systematic literature review of library practices (Jan. 2018–Sept. 2020)

J Revez, L Corujo - The journal of academic librarianship, 2021‏ - Elsevier
This study's purpose is to systematically review the literature to identify the most recent
library practices against fake news. Libraries are perceived as an important player against …

Revisiting the notion of the public library as a meeting place: challenges to the mission of promoting democracy in times of political turmoil

H Carlsson, F Hanell, L Engström - Journal of Documentation, 2023‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This article explores how public librarians understand and perform the democratic
mission of public libraries in times of political and social turbulence and critically discusses …

Fake news: a classification proposal and a future research agenda

E Rahmanian - Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 2023‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to unify fragmented definitions of fake news and also present a
comprehensive classification of the concept. Additionally, it provides an agenda for future …

Academic library guides for tackling fake news: A content analysis

S Lim - The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Built on a pilot study, this study examined how librarians understand fake news and the
specific methods or strategies they suggest for detecting fake news by analyzing their guides …

Public librarians' perception of their professional role and the library's role in supporting the public sphere: a multi-country comparison

J Johnston, Á Pálsdóttir, A Mierzecka… - Journal of …, 2022‏ - emerald.com
Purpose The overarching aim of this article is to consider to what extent the perceptions of
librarians in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Poland and Sweden reflect a …

Re-thinking information ethics: truth, conspiracy theories, and librarians in the COVID-19 era

P Lor, B Wiles, J Britz - Libri, 2021‏ - degruyter.com
The COVID-19 pandemic is an international public health crisis without precedent in the last
century. The novelty and rapid spread of the virus have added a new urgency to the …

[ספר][B] Foundations of information literacy

NG Taylor, PT Jaeger - 2021‏ - books.google.com
It's not hyperbole to conclude that in today's world, information literacy is essential for
survival and success; and also that, if left unchecked, the social consequences of …

Creation, dissemination and mitigation: toward a disinformation behavior framework and model

NK Agarwal, F Alsaeedi - Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2021‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This paper seeks to disambiguate the phenomenon by clarifying terms, highlighting
current efforts, including the importance of critical thought and awareness, and a test for …

Professional identity and knowledge practices of librarians in critical times of information disorders: a conceptual framework

JM Yap, ÁB Hajdu, P Kiszl - Information Discovery and Delivery, 2024‏ - emerald.com
Purpose The library and information science profession finds itself grappling with substantial
difficulties and hurdles when addressing the trustworthiness and accuracy of information …