Demographics of young stars and their protoplanetary disks: lessons learned on disk evolution and its connection to planet formation
Since Protostars and Planets VI (PPVI), our knowledge of the global properties of
protoplanetary and debris disks, as well as of young stars, has dramatically improved. At the …
protoplanetary and debris disks, as well as of young stars, has dramatically improved. At the …
Transneptunian space
We provide a nonspecialist overview of the current state of understanding of the structure
and origin of our Solar System's transneptunian region (often called the Kuiper Belt) …
and origin of our Solar System's transneptunian region (often called the Kuiper Belt) …
A stellar mass dependence of structured disks: a possible link with exoplanet demographics
Gaps in protoplanetary disks have long been hailed as signposts of planet formation.
However, a direct link between exoplanets and disks remains hard to identify. We present a …
However, a direct link between exoplanets and disks remains hard to identify. We present a …
The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA)–III. The evolution of substructures in massive discs at 3–5 au resolution
LA Cieza, C González-Ruilova, AS Hales… - Monthly Notices of …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
We present 1.3 mm continuum ALMA long-baseline observations at 3–5 au resolution of 10
of the brightest discs from the Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) project …
of the brightest discs from the Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) project …
Debris disk results from the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey's polarimetric imaging campaign
We report the results of a∼ 4 yr direct imaging survey of 104 stars to resolve and
characterize circumstellar debris disks in scattered light as part of the Gemini Planet Imager …
characterize circumstellar debris disks in scattered light as part of the Gemini Planet Imager …
Bridging the gap between protoplanetary and debris disks: separate evolution of millimeter and micrometer-sized dust
The connection between the nature of a protoplanetary disk and that of a debris disk is not
well understood. Dust evolution, planet formation, and disk dissipation likely play a role in …
well understood. Dust evolution, planet formation, and disk dissipation likely play a role in …
Protoplanetary disk rings and gaps across ages and luminosities
Since the discovery of the multiring structure of the HL Tau disk, ALMA data suggest that the
dust continuum emission of many, if not all, protoplanetary disks consists of rings and gaps …
dust continuum emission of many, if not all, protoplanetary disks consists of rings and gaps …
Transition disks: the observational revolution from SEDs to imaging
N van der Marel - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2023 - epjplus.epj.org
Protoplanetary disks surrounding young stars are the birth place of planets. Of particular
interest are the transition disks with large inner dust cavities of tens of au, hinting at the …
interest are the transition disks with large inner dust cavities of tens of au, hinting at the …
Planet populations inferred from debris discs-Insights from 178 debris systems in the ISPY, LEECH, and LIStEN planet-hunting surveys
TD Pearce, R Launhardt, R Ostermann… - Astronomy & …, 2022 - aanda.org
We know little about the outermost exoplanets in planetary systems because our detection
methods are insensitive to moderate-mass planets on wide orbits. However, debris discs …
methods are insensitive to moderate-mass planets on wide orbits. However, debris discs …
Solution to the debris disc mass problem: planetesimals are born small?
AV Krivov, MC Wyatt - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Debris belts on the periphery of planetary systems, encompassing the region occupied by
planetary orbits, are massive analogues of the Solar system's Kuiper belt. They are detected …
planetary orbits, are massive analogues of the Solar system's Kuiper belt. They are detected …