Exploring the global geography of cybercrime and its driving forces
Cybercrime is wreaking havoc on the global economy, national security, social stability, and
individual interests. The current efforts to mitigate cybercrime threats are primarily focused …
individual interests. The current efforts to mitigate cybercrime threats are primarily focused …
Stolen data markets on Telegram: a crime script analysis and situational crime prevention measures
T Garkava, A Moneva, ER Leukfeldt - Trends in Organized Crime, 2024 - Springer
Illicit data markets have emerged on Telegram, a popular online instant messaging
application, bringing together thousands of users worldwide in an unregulated exchange of …
application, bringing together thousands of users worldwide in an unregulated exchange of …
Influence, infrastructure, and recentering cybercrime policing: Evaluating emerging approaches to online law enforcement through a market for cybercrime services
We document and evaluate emerging policing strategies that are resha** how centralised
law enforcement agencies deal with online cybercrime markets. The first of these we term …
law enforcement agencies deal with online cybercrime markets. The first of these we term …
The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on routine activities and online crime
SD Johnson, M Nikolovska - Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2024 - Springer
Objectives Routine activity theory suggests that levels of crime are affected by peoples'
activity patterns. Here, we examine if, through their impact on people's on-and off-line …
activity patterns. Here, we examine if, through their impact on people's on-and off-line …
Agile incident response (AIR): Improving the incident response process in healthcare
Recent industrial reports show an increased number of cybersecurity incidents, which inflict
significant financial losses. Although organisations have been increasing their investments …
significant financial losses. Although organisations have been increasing their investments …
The seductions of cybercrime: Adolescence and the thrills of digital transgression
A Goldsmith, DS Wall - European Journal of Criminology, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This article offers a socio-technical framework for better understanding youthful attraction to,
and engagement in, online transgressions and delinquencies. Specifically, it takes the …
and engagement in, online transgressions and delinquencies. Specifically, it takes the …
[HTML][HTML] Cybercrime on the menu? Examining cafeteria-style offending among financially motivated cybercriminals
ER Leukfeldt, TJ Holt - Computers in Human Behavior, 2022 - Elsevier
Criminologists have frequently debated whether offenders are specialists, in that they
consistently perform either one offense or similar offenses, or versatile by performing any …
consistently perform either one offense or similar offenses, or versatile by performing any …
Re-territorialising the policing of cybercrime in the post-COVID-19 era: towards a new vision of local democratic cyber policing
Purpose The purpose of this study is to develop the theorisation of cybercrime in the context
of the pandemic, and to sketch out a vision of how law enforcement might respond to a …
of the pandemic, and to sketch out a vision of how law enforcement might respond to a …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring public cybercrime prevention campaigns and victimization of businesses: A Bayesian model averaging approach
S Kemp - Computers & security, 2023 - Elsevier
Cybercrime is a pressing concern for governments and businesses around the globe, but
little is known about what policy interventions work to prevent and mitigate threats to …
little is known about what policy interventions work to prevent and mitigate threats to …
The effect of online ad campaigns on DDoS‐attacks: A cross‐national difference‐in‐differences quasi‐experiment
A Moneva, R Leukfeldt - Criminology & Public Policy, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Research Summary European law enforcement agencies have begun to use
targeted online ad campaigns to raise cybercrime awareness among at‐risk populations …
targeted online ad campaigns to raise cybercrime awareness among at‐risk populations …