Calibrating building energy simulation models: A review of the basics to guide future work
Building energy simulation (BES) plays a significant role in buildings with applications such
as architectural design, retrofit analysis, and optimizing building operation and controls …
as architectural design, retrofit analysis, and optimizing building operation and controls …
[HTML][HTML] In search of optimal consumption: A review of causes and solutions to the Energy Performance Gap in residential buildings
The assessment of building performance through energy certificates is important for tracking
and improving the energy efficiency of the building stock. The reliability of these …
and improving the energy efficiency of the building stock. The reliability of these …
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis to moderate the risks of energy performance contracts in building renovation: a case study on an Italian social housing district
One of the pillars of the policies undertaken to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 in the
European Union is the decarbonisation of the construction sector. Massive energy …
European Union is the decarbonisation of the construction sector. Massive energy …
[HTML][HTML] Design and construction of a new metering hot box for the in situ hygrothermal measurement in dynamic conditions of historic masonries
The main purpose of the HeLLo project is to contribute to data available on the literature on
the real hygrothermal behavior of historic walls and the suitability of insulation technologies …
the real hygrothermal behavior of historic walls and the suitability of insulation technologies …
[HTML][HTML] On the effects of variation of thermal conductivity in buildings in the Italian construction sector
Stationary and dynamic heat and mass transfer analyses of building components are an
essential part of energy efficient design of new and retrofitted buildings. Generally, a single …
essential part of energy efficient design of new and retrofitted buildings. Generally, a single …
Investigating the potential impact of energy-efficient measures for retrofitting existing UK hotels to reach the nearly zero energy building (nZEB) standard
R Salem, A Bahadori-Jahromi, A Mylona, P Godfrey… - Energy Efficiency, 2019 - Springer
The existing non-residential building stock can generally be considered energy-inefficient.
The ECUK 2017 report states that the final energy consumption for commercial buildings …
The ECUK 2017 report states that the final energy consumption for commercial buildings …
Linking design and operation performance analysis through model calibration: Parametric assessment on a Passive House building
Efficient buildings are an essential component of sustainability and energy transitions, which
represent today a techno-economic and socio-economic problem. New paradigms are …
represent today a techno-economic and socio-economic problem. New paradigms are …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the application and limitations of a standardised overheating risk-assessment methodology in a real-world context
Prolonged overheating has severe consequences for the future habitability of buildings.
Building Performance Simulation (BPS) is increasingly used to identify the propensity of …
Building Performance Simulation (BPS) is increasingly used to identify the propensity of …
Building energy performance analysis: an experimental validation of an in-house dynamic simulation tool through a real test room
This paper focuses on the experimental validation of a building energy performance
simulation tool by means of a comparative analysis between numerical results and …
simulation tool by means of a comparative analysis between numerical results and …
Thermal comfort, occupant control behaviour and performance gap–a study of office buildings in north-east China using data mining
C Sun, R Zhang, S Sharples, Y Han, H Zhang - Building and Environment, 2019 - Elsevier
Simulation techniques have been increasingly applied to building performance evaluation
and building environmental design. However, uncertain and random factors, such as …
and building environmental design. However, uncertain and random factors, such as …