¿ A qué candidato elimino? El uso de las tachas electorales en las elecciones subnacionales peruanas

A Ponce - Política y gobierno, 2023 - politicaygobierno.cide.edu
La tacha electoral es un recurso impugnatorio que cualquier ciudadano peruano puede
interponer contra cualquier candidato en las elecciones subnacionales. Este artículo …

Local Chief Executive Political Accountability In Indonesia: A Historical-Legal Analysis

A Minan, S Arinanto, D Djohan - Const. Rev., 2024 - HeinOnline
This paper discusses the local chief executive's (LCE) political accountability in the Local
Government Acts (LGAs). Using historical and theoretical approaches, this article examines …

Democracy: The High Cost of Controlling Regional Democracy, Kompas

A Minan, S Arinanto, D Djohan - storiesfromindonesia.com
This paper discusses the local chief executives'(LCE) political accountability in the Local
Government Acts (LGAs). Using historical and theoretical approaches, this article examines …

Journal Article: Political Accountability of Regional Government Heads in Indonesia, Constitutional Review

A Minan, S Arinanto, D Djohan - storiesfromindonesia.com
This paper discusses the local chief executives'(LCE) political accountability in the Local
Government Acts (LGAs). Using historical and theoretical approaches, this article examines …

[CITATA][C] Efectos en la participación ciudadana por inaplicación en la revocatoria de autoridades municipales, Callao 2018

JM Ormeño Carlos - 2021 - Universidad César Vallejo