A review of estimation methods for natural mortality and their performance in the context of fishery stock assessment
Natural mortality (M) is one of the most influential parameters in fisheries stock assessment
and management. It relates directly to stock productivity and reference points used for …
and management. It relates directly to stock productivity and reference points used for …
Oceans of plenty? Challenges, advancements, and future directions for the provision of evidence-based fisheries management advice
Marine population modeling, which underpins the scientific advice to support fisheries
interventions, is an active research field with recent advancements to address modern …
interventions, is an active research field with recent advancements to address modern …
Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it: A perspective on current stock assessment good practices and the consequences of not following them
AE Punt - Fisheries Research, 2023 - Elsevier
The ideal stock assessment would be able to estimate all of the key parameters related to
population processes within a framework that assigns appropriate weight to the data, fits the …
population processes within a framework that assigns appropriate weight to the data, fits the …
Size-and age-dependent natural mortality in fish populations: Biology, models, implications, and a generalized length-inverse mortality paradigm
K Lorenzen - Fisheries Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Natural mortality rates (M) in fish populations vary with body size and age, often by orders of
magnitude over the life cycle. Traditionally, fisheries models and stock assessment methods …
magnitude over the life cycle. Traditionally, fisheries models and stock assessment methods …
A cookbook for using model diagnostics in integrated stock assessments
Integrated analysis has increasingly been the preferred approach for conducting stock
assessments and providing the basis for management advice for fish and invertebrate stocks …
assessments and providing the basis for management advice for fish and invertebrate stocks …
[HTML][HTML] Best practices for defining spatial boundaries and spatial structure in stock assessment
The 'stock concept'in fisheries science conforms to theoretical assumptions of stock
assessment models, including negligible movement across stock boundaries, relatively …
assessment models, including negligible movement across stock boundaries, relatively …
Towards vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all: learning from the last 30 years to inform the next 30 years
A common goal among fisheries science professionals, stakeholders, and rights holders is
to ensure the persistence and resilience of vibrant fish populations and sustainable …
to ensure the persistence and resilience of vibrant fish populations and sustainable …
Combining scientific survey and commercial catch data to map fish distribution
Abstract Develo** Species Distribution Models (SDM) for marine exploited species is a
major challenge in fisheries ecology. Classical modelling approaches typically rely on fish …
major challenge in fisheries ecology. Classical modelling approaches typically rely on fish …
A century of parasitology in fisheries and aquaculture
Fish parasitological research associated with fisheries and aquaculture has expanded
remarkably over the past century. The application of parasites as biological tags has been …
remarkably over the past century. The application of parasites as biological tags has been …
A review of applications evaluating fisheries management scenarios through marine ecosystem models
Abstract Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) is a framework to explore the tradeoffs
amongst fishing strategies and assess the consequences for achieving management goals …
amongst fishing strategies and assess the consequences for achieving management goals …