Intercrop** with legume for agroecological crop** systems: Complementarity and facilitation processes and the importance of soil microorganisms. A review
O Duchene, JF Vian, F Celette - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017 - Elsevier
Intercrop** is a powerful way to promote a more diversified plant community in the field,
thereby enabling complementary and facilitative relationships. In these systems, legumes …
thereby enabling complementary and facilitative relationships. In these systems, legumes …
Integrated crop and livestock systems in Western Europe and South America: a review
JL Peyraud, M Taboada, L Delaby - European Journal of Agronomy, 2014 - Elsevier
For many years, we have seen an increasing specialization of agricultural systems and
territories, with a clear separation between territories with very high animal densities and …
territories, with a clear separation between territories with very high animal densities and …
Legumes for soil health and sustainable management
A challenge for today's agriculture is to ensure food and nutritional security for the rapidly
growing global population. The global population is expected to reach 8.55 billion by 2030 …
growing global population. The global population is expected to reach 8.55 billion by 2030 …
Grain legumes: impact on soil health and agroecosystem
Legumes are one of the richest sources of proteins, minerals, and fibers for animals and
human being. They also have a great role in maintaining soil fertility through biological …
human being. They also have a great role in maintaining soil fertility through biological …
[PDF][PDF] Intercrop**—A Substantial Component in Sustainable Organic Agriculture
U Nandhini, E Somasundaram - Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci, 2020 - researchgate.net
The greatest challenge of the 21st century in many develo** countries are to produce
more and more basic necessities namely food, fodder, fuel and fibre for ever increasing …
more and more basic necessities namely food, fodder, fuel and fibre for ever increasing …
Impacts of the conventional tillage tools and reduced tillage on the soil fertility preservation: critical review
ED Dayou, KLB Zokpodo, ALRG Kakaï… - Journal of Applied …, 2017 - ajol.info
Objective: The long-term impacts of conventional tillage through compaction, soil erosion
and loss of soil fertility have led to evaluation of this system. To mitigate these problems …
and loss of soil fertility have led to evaluation of this system. To mitigate these problems …
[PDF][PDF] Climate change and carbon sequestration in the Mediterranean basin. Contributions of no-tillage systems
R Mrabet - Options Méditerranéennes, 2010 - researchgate.net
Agricultural systems are subject to a wide range of risks and uncertainties in most parts of
the Mediterranean basin. This region is experiencing climate change that in no way can be …
the Mediterranean basin. This region is experiencing climate change that in no way can be …
Analyse du fonctionnement d'une association de blé d'hiver (Triticum aestivum L.) et d'une plante de couverture sur une échelle annuelle par modélisation et …
I Shili-Touzi - 2009 - pastel.hal.science
Les systèmes de cultures sous couvert végétal permanent associé à une culture
commerciale ont la réputation d'être susceptibles d'assurer certains services écologiques et …
commerciale ont la réputation d'être susceptibles d'assurer certains services écologiques et …