Pseudomonas syringae: what it takes to be a pathogen
Pseudomonas syringae is one of the most common plant pathogens that infect the
phyllosphere. P. syringae can live on the plant surface as an epiphyte. To cause disease, it …
phyllosphere. P. syringae can live on the plant surface as an epiphyte. To cause disease, it …
[КНИГА][B] Plant microbiomes for sustainable agriculture: current research and future challenges
AN Yadav - 2020 - Springer
The plant microbiomes play important role in plant growth promotion and soil fertility for
sustainable agriculture. Plant and soil are valuable natural resource harbouring hotspots of …
sustainable agriculture. Plant and soil are valuable natural resource harbouring hotspots of …
The phyllosphere: microbial jungle at the plant–climate interface
The surface of plant leaves, or the phyllosphere, harbors hyperdiverse microbial
communities. These communities mediate foliar functional traits, influence plant fitness, and …
communities. These communities mediate foliar functional traits, influence plant fitness, and …
The effect of bacterial chemotaxis on host infection and pathogenicity
Chemotaxis enables microorganisms to move according to chemical gradients. Although
this process requires substantial cellular energy, it also affords key physiological benefits …
this process requires substantial cellular energy, it also affords key physiological benefits …
High‐quality genome‐scale metabolic modelling of Pseudomonas putida highlights its broad metabolic capabilities
Genome‐scale reconstructions of metabolism are computational species‐specific
knowledge bases able to compute systemic metabolic properties. We present a …
knowledge bases able to compute systemic metabolic properties. We present a …
Phyllospheric microbiomes: diversity, ecological significance, and biotechnological applications
The phyllosphere referred to the total aerial plant surfaces (above-ground portions), as
habitat for microorganisms. Microorganisms establish compositionally complex communities …
habitat for microorganisms. Microorganisms establish compositionally complex communities …
Cooperative virulence via the collective action of secreted pathogen effectors
T Ruiz-Bedoya, PW Wang, D Desveaux… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
Although virulence is typically attributed to single pathogenic strains, here we investigated
whether effectors secreted by a population of non-virulent strains could function as public …
whether effectors secreted by a population of non-virulent strains could function as public …
Bioprecipitation: a feedback cycle linking Earth history, ecosystem dynamics and land use through biological ice nucleators in the atmosphere
Landscapes influence precipitation via the water vapor and energy fluxes they generate.
Biologically active landscapes also generate aerosols containing microorganisms, some …
Biologically active landscapes also generate aerosols containing microorganisms, some …
Molecular Evolution of Pseudomonas syringae Type III Secreted Effector Proteins
Diverse Gram-negative pathogens like Pseudomonas syringae employ type III secreted
effector (T3SE) proteins as primary virulence factors that combat host immunity and promote …
effector (T3SE) proteins as primary virulence factors that combat host immunity and promote …
[PDF][PDF] The use of Pseudomonas spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant disease
M Höfte - Microbial bioprotectants for plant disease …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The use of Pseudomonas spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant disease Page 1
The use of Pseudomonas spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant disease Monica …
The use of Pseudomonas spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant disease Monica …