Recent advances in metal sulfides: from controlled fabrication to electrocatalytic, photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical water splitting and beyond
In recent years, nanocrystals of metal sulfide materials have attracted scientific research
interest for renewable energy applications due to the abundant choice of materials with …
interest for renewable energy applications due to the abundant choice of materials with …
A comprehensive review on synthesis and applications of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) material: Past and recent developments
The evolutions of nanomaterials have played a significant role in altering the shape and
structure of the materials at the nanoscale level to achieve desired applications. Early …
structure of the materials at the nanoscale level to achieve desired applications. Early …
Noble metal-free hydrogen evolution catalysts for water splitting
X Zou, Y Zhang - Chemical Society Reviews, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Sustainable hydrogen production is an essential prerequisite of a future hydrogen economy.
Water electrolysis driven by renewable resource-derived electricity and direct solar-to …
Water electrolysis driven by renewable resource-derived electricity and direct solar-to …
2D transition‐metal‐dichalcogenide‐nanosheet‐based composites for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions
Hydrogen (H2) is one of the most important clean and renewable energy sources for future
energy sustainability. Nowadays, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution …
energy sustainability. Nowadays, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution …
Engineering heterogeneous semiconductors for solar water splitting
There is a growing interest in the conversion of water and solar energy into clean and
renewable H2 fuels using earth-abundant materials due to the depletion of fossil fuel and its …
renewable H2 fuels using earth-abundant materials due to the depletion of fossil fuel and its …
Improving wastewater treatment by triboelectric-photo/electric coupling effect
The ability to meet higher effluent quality requirements and the reduction of energy
consumption are the biggest challenges in wastewater treatment worldwide. A large …
consumption are the biggest challenges in wastewater treatment worldwide. A large …
Earth-abundant cocatalysts for semiconductor-based photocatalytic water splitting
Photocatalytic water splitting represents a promising strategy for clean, low-cost, and
environmental-friendly production of H2 by utilizing solar energy. There are three crucial …
environmental-friendly production of H2 by utilizing solar energy. There are three crucial …
MoS2/Graphene Cocatalyst for Efficient Photocatalytic H2 Evolution under Visible Light Irradiation
Exploiting noble-metal-free cocatalysts is of huge interest for photocatalytic water splitting
using solar energy. Here we report a composite material consisting of CdS nanocrystals …
using solar energy. Here we report a composite material consisting of CdS nanocrystals …
MoS2/CdS Nanosheets-on-Nanorod Heterostructure for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic H2 Generation under Visible Light Irradiation
Semiconductor-based photocatalytic H2 generation as a direct approach of converting solar
energy to fuel is attractive for tackling the global energy and environmental issues but still …
energy to fuel is attractive for tackling the global energy and environmental issues but still …
Photodeposition of earth-abundant cocatalysts in photocatalytic water splitting: Methods, functions, and mechanisms
H Zhao, Q Mao, L Jian, Y Dong, Y Zhu - Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2022 - Elsevier
Photocatalytic water splitting based on semiconductor photocatalysts is a promising
approach for producing carbon-neutral, sustainable, and clean H 2 fuel. Cocatalyst loading …
approach for producing carbon-neutral, sustainable, and clean H 2 fuel. Cocatalyst loading …