Matrix insertion–deletion systems

I Petre, S Verlan - Theoretical Computer Science, 2012 - Elsevier
We investigate in this article the operations of insertion and deletion working in a matrix-
controlled manner. We show that this allows to us strictly increase the computational power …

On path-controlled insertion–deletion systems

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, I Raman - Acta Informatica, 2019 - Springer
A graph-controlled insertion–deletion system is a regulated extension of an insertion–
deletion system. It has several components and each component contains some insertion …

Universal matrix insertion grammars with small size

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, S Verlan - … 2017, Fayetteville, AR, USA, June 5-9 …, 2017 - Springer
We study matrix insertion grammars (MIS) towards representation of recursively enumerable
languages with small size. We show that pure MIS of size (3; 1, 2, 2)(ie, having ternary …

Random context and semi-conditional insertion-deletion systems

S Ivanov, S Verlan - Fundamenta Informaticae, 2015 -
In this article we introduce the operations of insertion and deletion working in random
context and semi-conditional modes. We show that conditional application of insertion and …

Investigations on the power of matrix insertion-deletion systems with small sizes

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, I Raman - Natural Computing, 2018 - Springer
Matrix insertion-deletion systems combine the idea of matrix control (a control mechanism
well established in regulated rewriting) with that of insertion and deletion (as opposed to …

[HTML][HTML] On the computational completeness of graph-controlled insertion–deletion systems with binary sizes

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, I Raman - Theoretical Computer Science, 2017 - Elsevier
A graph-controlled insertion–deletion (GCID) system is a regulated extension of an insertion–
deletion system. Such a system has several components and each component has some …

Graph-controlled insertion-deletion systems generating language classes beyond linearity

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, I Raman - International Conference on …, 2017 - Springer
A regulated extension of an insertion-deletion system known as graph-controlled insertion-
deletion (GCID) system has several components and each component contains some …

Generating and accepting P systems with minimal left and right insertion and deletion

R Freund, Y Rogozhin, S Verlan - Natural Computing, 2014 - Springer
In this paper we investigate the operations of insertion and deletion performed at the ends of
a string. We show that using these operations in a P systems framework (which corresponds …

Computational completeness of simple semi-conditional insertion-deletion systems

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, I Raman - … , June 25-29, 2018, Proceedings 17, 2018 - Springer
Insertion-deletion (or ins-del for short) systems are well studied in formal language theory,
especially regarding their computational completeness. The need for many variants on ins …

On describing the regular closure of the linear languages with graph-controlled insertion-deletion systems

H Fernau, L Kuppusamy, I Raman - RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and …, 2018 -
A graph-controlled insertion-deletion (GCID) system has several components and each
component contains some insertion-deletion rules. A transition is performed by any …