A quarter‐century review of HRM in small and medium‐sized enterprises: Capturing what we know, exploring where we need to go
Despite the proliferation of HRM research, only a small fraction explores the context of small
and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Where HRM in SMEs has received attention, the …
and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Where HRM in SMEs has received attention, the …
Effect of CSR and ethical practices on sustainable competitive performance: A case of emerging markets from stakeholder theory perspective
An extensive work has been done on corporate social responsibly practices (CSRPs) that
mainly emphasized the larger firms within developed nations. Nonetheless, still work is …
mainly emphasized the larger firms within developed nations. Nonetheless, still work is …
Examining the determinants of green innovation adoption in SMEs: A PLS-SEM approach
Purpose Currently, environmental and social concerns have made green innovation more
popular among researchers and practitioners around the globe. Developed countries tend to …
popular among researchers and practitioners around the globe. Developed countries tend to …
SMEs as motor of growth: A review of China's SMEs development in thirty years (1978–2008)
LX Cunningham - Human systems management, 2011 - content.iospress.com
China's economic and enterprise reforms since 1978 have dramatically altered the structure
and dynamics of its enterprises. One of the most remarkable changes during the entire …
and dynamics of its enterprises. One of the most remarkable changes during the entire …
The impact of green organizational and human resource factors on develo** countries' small business firms tendency toward green innovation: A natural resource …
S Yahya, S Jamil, M Farooq - Creativity and Innovation …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Develo** countries' small business firms are deemed insensitive towards the
environment. However, little is known regarding what can reshape their attitude towards …
environment. However, little is known regarding what can reshape their attitude towards …
Impact of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions on performance of small enterprises: do entrepreneurial competencies matter?
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in
determining the enterprise performance (EP) during Covid-19. Moreover, in context of this …
determining the enterprise performance (EP) during Covid-19. Moreover, in context of this …
Role of industry 5.0 in leveraging the business performance: investigating impact of shared-economy on firms' performance with intervening role of i5. 0 technologies
Industry 5.0 is regarded as the next industrial evolution which is still on its infancy stage and
under investigation phenomena. How shared economy can perform a superlative role in …
under investigation phenomena. How shared economy can perform a superlative role in …
Organizational commitment in Chinese small-and medium-sized enterprises: the role of extrinsic, intrinsic and social rewards
This study investigates the relationship between organizational rewards and employee
commitment in Chinese small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Hierarchical …
commitment in Chinese small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Hierarchical …
Employees' perceptions of human resource management practices and employee outcomes: Empirical evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises in China
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between employees'
perceptions of HRM practices and two outcomes, namely, employee commitment and …
perceptions of HRM practices and two outcomes, namely, employee commitment and …
The emergence of human resource management in China: Convergence, divergence and contextualization
This article aims to use the emergence of Human Resource Management (HRM) in China to
shed light on the dynamism of convergence, divergence and contextualization in the …
shed light on the dynamism of convergence, divergence and contextualization in the …