A combined system based on data preprocessing and optimization algorithm for electricity load forecasting
Creating steady models for predicting electricity load can enhance the equilibrium between
power supply and demand, a critical factor in advancing precise distribution management …
power supply and demand, a critical factor in advancing precise distribution management …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-model prediction for demand forecast in water distribution networks
This paper presents a multi-model predictor called Qualitative Multi-Model Predictor Plus
(QMMP+) for demand forecast in water distribution networks. QMMP+ is based on the …
(QMMP+) for demand forecast in water distribution networks. QMMP+ is based on the …
Demand forecasting with integration of time series and regression models in pharmaceutical industry
Accurate demand forecasting is crucially important to reduce inventory and backlogging
cost. In this study, we analyze how promos, holiday statements, price changes, stock …
cost. In this study, we analyze how promos, holiday statements, price changes, stock …
Design of Power Transformer Fault Detection of SCADA Alarm Using Fault Tree Analysis, Smooth Holtz–Winters, and L-BFGS for Smart Utility Control Centers
When a trip occurs, the utility of company-type 115/22 kV loading transformer trips out of the
electrical system, cutting off power to the distribution of a company customer. The outage …
electrical system, cutting off power to the distribution of a company customer. The outage …
PSGformer: A novel multivariate net load forecasting model for the smart grid
Smart grid intelligently transforms modern power system through the introduction of various
advanced techniques, promoting the growth of distributed renewable energy sources and …
advanced techniques, promoting the growth of distributed renewable energy sources and …
[HTML][HTML] Things2people interaction toward energy savings in shared spaces using BIM
People in shared building space have an important role in energy consumption because
they can turn on/off equipment and heat/cooling systems. This behaviour can be influenced …
they can turn on/off equipment and heat/cooling systems. This behaviour can be influenced …
Short-term demand forecast using a bank of neural network models trained using genetic algorithms for the optimal management of drinking water networks
Efficient management of a drinking water network reduces the economic costs related to
water production and transport (pum**). Model predictive control (MPC) is nowadays a …
water production and transport (pum**). Model predictive control (MPC) is nowadays a …
Türkiye'de elektrik tüketiminde talep tahmini: zaman serisi ve regresyon analizi ile karşılaştırma
Değişen Dünya koşullarında ve artan nüfusa bağlı olarak, Ülkelerin ekonomik ve sosyal
süreçlerinin gelişmesinin en temel ihtiyaçlardan biri, enerjidir. Tüketimin artması sonucu …
süreçlerinin gelişmesinin en temel ihtiyaçlardan biri, enerjidir. Tüketimin artması sonucu …
İşsizlik sorunu modern çağın en büyük problemlerinden biridir. Gelişmekte olan ülkeler
kategorisinde yer alan ülkemiz de bu sorundan oldukça muzdariptir. İşsizlik sorununa kısa …
kategorisinde yer alan ülkemiz de bu sorundan oldukça muzdariptir. İşsizlik sorununa kısa …
Peak forecasting for electricity loads in jordan using a weighted combination of feed forward back propagation neural network and holt-winter
Predicting electrical loads is critical since it requires the preparation of work schedules for
main and minor transformer maintenance operations. This study aims to estimate the …
main and minor transformer maintenance operations. This study aims to estimate the …