Complementary medicine in psychology practice: an analysis of Australian psychology guidelines and a comparison with other psychology associations from English …
Background Psychologists, and their clients, are engaging with complementary medicine
(CM). Increasing evidence for CM approaches, such as improved nutrition and St John's …
(CM). Increasing evidence for CM approaches, such as improved nutrition and St John's …
Alternative psychotherapies: Conceptual elucidation and epidemiological framework.
This article elucidates and defines alternative psychotherapies, as well as describes the
variables that explain why some professional psychologists are prone to endorse these …
variables that explain why some professional psychologists are prone to endorse these …
Pseudo-science Versus Evidence-based Science: Emergence of Online Therapy by Unqualified People.
P Mache, S Natu - IAHRW International Journal of Social …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
A marked increase in the use of social media put a large number of people at risk of feeling
lonely, depressed, and anxious. Ordinary people, influencers and therapists have become …
lonely, depressed, and anxious. Ordinary people, influencers and therapists have become …
Who seeks alternative psychotherapies? Domain-specific predictors and latent profiles
A Fasce, J Adrián-Ventura - 2023 - zaguan.unizar.es
Techniques presented as psychotherapies without evidence for effective treatment constitute
a long-standing and under-researched issue within clinical psychology. We report on an …
a long-standing and under-researched issue within clinical psychology. We report on an …
An Exploration of Complementary Medicine in Psychology Practice
C Thomson-Casey - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Background: Many people with mental health problems utilise a range of complementary
medicine (CM). Psychologists are likely to consult with clients who use CM, in some form, as …
medicine (CM). Psychologists are likely to consult with clients who use CM, in some form, as …
[PDF][PDF] EMDR y su uso en adolescentes con TEPT:¿ una terapia sobrevalorada?
AP Pacheco Unguetti, MÁ Muñoz García - 2024 - digibug.ugr.es
El Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) no fue incorporado al Manual Diagnóstico y
Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales hasta su tercera edición (DSM-III; American …
Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales hasta su tercera edición (DSM-III; American …
The upsurge of irrationality: Post-truth politics for a polarised world
A Fasce - Disputatio, 2020 - studiahumanitatis.eu
Firstly, I summarise the current philosophical and psychological study of post-truth.
Secondly, I discuss “white post-truth”, a still unattended form perceived as morally superior …
Secondly, I discuss “white post-truth”, a still unattended form perceived as morally superior …
Thinking Critically about Therapy
CL Santa Maria - Pseudoscience in Therapy: A Skeptical Field …, 2023 - books.google.com
As students, researchers, and clinicians, we spend a fair amount of time and effort grappling
with the question of how best to approach psychotherapy with our clients. We attempt to …
with the question of how best to approach psychotherapy with our clients. We attempt to …
[CITATA][C] A Tale of Two Hippies: The Making of MDMA and Psychedelic Characters
J Chabot - 2020 - Wesleyan University