Comparison of SWAT-based ecohydrological modeling in Rawa Pening Catchment Area, Indonesia
Abstract The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is an ecohydrological model that has
been widely applied to assess water quality and watershed management. This tool also has …
been widely applied to assess water quality and watershed management. This tool also has …
Survey on the resolution and accuracy of input data validity for SWAT-based hydrological models
This review was conducted to highlight the most influential factors and specify the trends
reducing uncertainty and increasing the accuracy of soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) …
reducing uncertainty and increasing the accuracy of soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) …
A comparison of the performance of SWAT and artificial intelligence models for monthly rainfall–runoff analysis in the Peddavagu River Basin, India
Abstract Rainfall–runoff (R–R) analysis is essential for sustainable water resource
management. In the present study focusing on the Peddavagu River Basin, various …
management. In the present study focusing on the Peddavagu River Basin, various …
New input selection procedure for machine learning methods in estimating daily global solar radiation
Selection of optimal model inputs is a challenging issue particularly for non-linear and
dynamic systems. In this study, a new input selection method, procrustes analysis (PA), was …
dynamic systems. In this study, a new input selection method, procrustes analysis (PA), was …
Effects of single‐and multi‐site calibration strategies on hydrological model performance and parameter sensitivity of large‐scale semi‐arid and semi‐humid …
L Wu, X Liu, Z Yang, Y Yu, X Ma - Hydrological Processes, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
In large‐scale watersheds, only the calibration of parameters for the outlet may ignore
spatial heterogeneity and fail to meet the simulation accuracy of local areas. Based on the …
spatial heterogeneity and fail to meet the simulation accuracy of local areas. Based on the …
Effective management of the watershed in response to historical climate change using a GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
Watershed management is necessary to conserve water resources because the watershed
hydrological processes are more affected by climate and land use change, resulting in the …
hydrological processes are more affected by climate and land use change, resulting in the …
[HTML][HTML] Parameter sensitivity analysis of SWAT modeling in the Upper Heihe River Basin using four typical approaches
X **ang, T Ao, Q **ao, X Li, L Zhou, Y Chen, Y Bi… - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Parameter sensitivity analysis is a significant part of quantifying model uncertainty,
effectively identifying key parameters, and improving the efficiency of parameter …
effectively identifying key parameters, and improving the efficiency of parameter …
Hydrological modeling in the Upper Blue Nile basin using soil and water analysis tool (SWAT)
Hydrological models are essential to understand the hydrological response of the basin. It is
one of the most significant aspects of water resources management and development …
one of the most significant aspects of water resources management and development …
Response of runoff and nitrogen loadings to climate and land use changes in the middle Fenhe River basin in Northern China
X Zhu, K Chang, W Cai, A Zhang, G Yue… - Journal of Water and …, 2022 -
Investigating and understanding the responses of runoff and nitrogen loading to climate and
land use change is particularly important for future water resources management. In this …
land use change is particularly important for future water resources management. In this …
Effect of watershed delineation and climate datasets density on runoff predictions for the Upper Mississippi River Basin using SWAT within HAWQS
The quality of input data and the process of watershed delineation can affect the accuracy of
runoff predictions in watershed modeling. The Upper Mississippi River Basin was selected …
runoff predictions in watershed modeling. The Upper Mississippi River Basin was selected …