Tropospheric NO 2 vertical profiles over South Korea and their relation to oxidant chemistry: implications for geostationary satellite retrievals and the observation of NO …
Nitrogen oxides (NO x≡ NO+ NO 2) are of central importance for air quality, climate forcing,
and nitrogen deposition to ecosystems. The Geostationary Environment Monitoring …
and nitrogen deposition to ecosystems. The Geostationary Environment Monitoring …
[HTML][HTML] Limitations in representation of physical processes prevent successful simulation of during KORUS-AQ
High levels of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) pollution in East Asia often exceed local air
quality standards. Observations from the Korea–United States Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field …
quality standards. Observations from the Korea–United States Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field …
Intercomparison of MAX-DOAS vertical profile retrieval algorithms: studies on field data from the CINDI-2 campaign
Multi-A**s Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) is a well-established
ground-based measurement technique for the detection of aerosols and trace gases …
ground-based measurement technique for the detection of aerosols and trace gases …
Coarse particulate matter air quality in East Asia: implications for fine particulate nitrate
Air quality network data in China and South Korea show very high year-round mass
concentrations of coarse particulate matter (PM), as inferred by the difference between …
concentrations of coarse particulate matter (PM), as inferred by the difference between …
Development and evaluation of processes affecting simulation of diel fine particulate matter variation in the GEOS-Chem model
The capability of chemical transport models to represent fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) over
the course of a day is of vital importance for air quality simulation and assessment. In this …
the course of a day is of vital importance for air quality simulation and assessment. In this …
Importance of aerosol composition and aerosol vertical profiles in global spatial variation in the relationship between PM and aerosol optical depth
Ambient fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) is the leading global environmental determinant of
mortality. However, large gaps exist in ground-based PM 2.5 monitoring. Satellite remote …
mortality. However, large gaps exist in ground-based PM 2.5 monitoring. Satellite remote …
Back-trajectory analyses for evaluating the transboundary transport effect to the aerosol pollution in South Korea
This study performed a back-trajectory analysis to determine the influence of transboundary
transport on the extent of aerosol pollution in South Korea, based on 5-year PM 2.5 …
transport on the extent of aerosol pollution in South Korea, based on 5-year PM 2.5 …
[HTML][HTML] Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from GOCI-II observations: Continuation of long-term geostationary aerosol monitoring over East Asia
Abstract Since the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) was successfully launched in
2010, the GOCI Yonsei aerosol retrieval (YAER) algorithm has been continuously updated …
2010, the GOCI Yonsei aerosol retrieval (YAER) algorithm has been continuously updated …
Long-term variation of aerosol optical properties associated with aerosol types over East Asia using AERONET and satellite (VIIRS, OMI) data (2012–2019)
We analyzed annual and seasonal frequency in aerosol type over an 8-year period (2012–
2019) to identify aerosol parameter trends over four ground sites and country regions in …
2019) to identify aerosol parameter trends over four ground sites and country regions in …
Evaluation of CESM1 (WACCM) free-running and specified dynamics atmospheric composition simulations using global multispecies satellite data records
We have analyzed near-global stratospheric data (and mesospheric data as well for H 2 O)
in terms of absolute abundances, variability, and trends for O 3, H 2 O, HCl, N 2 O, and HNO …
in terms of absolute abundances, variability, and trends for O 3, H 2 O, HCl, N 2 O, and HNO …