New insights from pre-Columbian land use and fire management in Amazonian dark earth forests
Anthropogenic climate change driven by increased carbon emissions is leading to more
severe fire seasons and increasing the frequency of mega-fires in the Amazon. This has the …
severe fire seasons and increasing the frequency of mega-fires in the Amazon. This has the …
The constructed biodiversity, forest management and use of fire in ancient Amazon: an archaeological testimony on the last 14,000 years of indigenous history
Tropical rainforests have retained an image of being pristine environments scarcely
occupied by humans over the millennia. Archaeological research carried out in the last thirty …
occupied by humans over the millennia. Archaeological research carried out in the last thirty …
[KNIHA][B] Dark Earth plant management in the Lower Tapajós
DT Alves - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Abstract The highly fertile Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) results from landscape
transformations found in association with archaeological sites throughout Amazonia. In the …
transformations found in association with archaeological sites throughout Amazonia. In the …
[KNIHA][B] Regional complementarity and place-making in the Northern region of the Tapajós National Forest Reservation, Lower Amazon, Brazil
CG Figueiredo - 2019 - search.proquest.com
From the tenth to the eighteenth centuries in the late pre-colonial period, Indigenous
communities associated with the Santarém ceramic style lived in settlements of various sizes …
communities associated with the Santarém ceramic style lived in settlements of various sizes …