A review of Smart Dust architecture, dynamics, and mission applications
A Smart Dust is a propellantless femtosatellite, with a characteristic side length of a few
millimeters and a high value of its area-to-mass ratio. It exploits the solar radiation pressure …
millimeters and a high value of its area-to-mass ratio. It exploits the solar radiation pressure …
Collinear artificial equilibrium point maintenance with a wrinkled solar sail
Propellantless propulsion systems allow innovative mission scenarios to be envisaged,
including the generation and the stabilization of artificial equilibrium points in the circular …
including the generation and the stabilization of artificial equilibrium points in the circular …
Near earth asteroid scout thrust and torque model
A Heaton, N Ahmad, K Miller - International Symposium on Solar …, 2017 - ntrs.nasa.gov
The Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout is a solar sail mission whose objective is to scout at
least one Near Earth Asteroid in preparation for manned missions to asteroids. NEA Scout …
least one Near Earth Asteroid in preparation for manned missions to asteroids. NEA Scout …
Feedback control law of solar sail with variable surface reflectivity at Sun-Earth collinear equilibrium points
A solar sail generates thrust without consuming any propellant, so it constitutes a promising
option for mission scenarios requiring a continuous propulsive acceleration, such as the …
option for mission scenarios requiring a continuous propulsive acceleration, such as the …
LightSail 2 solar sail control and orbit evolution
The propellantless thrust of solar sails makes them capable of entirely new classes of
missions compared to conventional or electric engines. Initiated in 2010, the Planetary …
missions compared to conventional or electric engines. Initiated in 2010, the Planetary …
Road Map to L4/L5 with a solar sail
This paper explores the capability of solar sails to transfer a probe from the displaced Sun-
Earth L 1 and L 2 libration points to the region of practical stability (RPS) around the …
Earth L 1 and L 2 libration points to the region of practical stability (RPS) around the …
Analytical solution of the optimal steering law for non-ideal solar sail
This paper analyzes the problem of finding the optimal steering law for a flat solar sail whose
propulsive acceleration is described by an optical force model. In particular, the problem …
propulsive acceleration is described by an optical force model. In particular, the problem …
Comparison between direct and indirect approach to solar sail circle-to-circle orbit raising optimization
This paper deals with the optimization of the transfer trajectory of a solar sail-based
spacecraft between circular and coplanar heliocentric orbits. The problem is addressed …
spacecraft between circular and coplanar heliocentric orbits. The problem is addressed …
[HTML][HTML] Deorbiting spacecraft with passively stabilised attitude using a simplified quasi-rhombic-pyramid sail
This paper studies deorbiting using an analogue to the quasi-rhombic-pyramid concept for
planar motion. The focus is on maintaining a stable (meaning oscillatory) attitude close to …
planar motion. The focus is on maintaining a stable (meaning oscillatory) attitude close to …
Modular Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Cable-Actuated Flexible Solar Sail
This paper presents a modular dynamic modeling approach to simulate a solar sail
embedded with actuated cables within its flexible structure. The cables are routed along the …
embedded with actuated cables within its flexible structure. The cables are routed along the …