How does L1 and L2 exposure impact L1 performance in bilingual children? Evidence from Polish-English migrants to the United Kingdom
Most studies on bilingual language development focus on children's second language (L2).
Here, we investigated first language (L1) development of Polish-English early migrant …
Here, we investigated first language (L1) development of Polish-English early migrant …
[HTML][HTML] Retelling a model story improves the narratives of Polish-English bilingual children
Reading and telling stories to children improves their narrative skills, which is well-
documented for monolinguals, but not for bilinguals. We investigated whether bilingual …
documented for monolinguals, but not for bilinguals. We investigated whether bilingual …
Picture-based vocabulary assessment versus parental questionnaires: A cross-linguistic study of bilingual assessment methods
Purpose: As a contribution to the endeavour of develo** appropriate tools for bilingual
language assessment, this paper investigates the concurrence between two new tools from …
language assessment, this paper investigates the concurrence between two new tools from …
Perceptions of identity, language abilities and language preferences among Russian-Hebrew and English-Hebrew bilingual children and their parents
Israel's population includes over a million Russian-speaking immigrants and more than
300,000 native English speakers. These groups differ in social integration and in the status …
300,000 native English speakers. These groups differ in social integration and in the status …
Pólskur og íslenskur orðaforði leikskólabarna sem eiga pólsku að móðurmáli: einkenni málumhverfis tvítyngdra barna heima og í leikskóla
A Figlarska - 2015 - skemman.is
Viðfangsefni rannsóknarinnar var að kanna pólskan og íslenskan orðaforða tvítyngdra barna
til að leggja mat á stöðu þeirra í þessum tveimur tungumálum. Ásamt því að skoða hversu …
til að leggja mat á stöðu þeirra í þessum tveimur tungumálum. Ásamt því að skoða hversu …
The language and literacy profile of young Polish children learning English as an additional language in the UK school system
M Wesierska - 2018 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
Children's reading comprehension difficulties can lead to lower performance at school and
limited access to the curriculum. Reading may be a particular challenge for those children …
limited access to the curriculum. Reading may be a particular challenge for those children …