Roles of organizational learning culture in promoting innovation
Purpose This study aims to evaluate the relationship between organizational learning (OL)
culture (OLC) and innovation. This study also aims to determine the patterns by which the …
culture (OLC) and innovation. This study also aims to determine the patterns by which the …
A meta-analytic test of organizational culture's association with elements of an organization's system and its relative predictive validity on organizational outcomes.
Organizational culture is an important predictor of organizational effectiveness, but it is also
part of an organizational system that consists of highly interdependent elements such as …
part of an organizational system that consists of highly interdependent elements such as …
Knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding in light of the mistakes acceptance component of learning culture-knowledge culture and human capital implications
Purpose This study aims to examine the micromechanisms of how knowledge culture fosters
human capital development. Design/methodology/approach An empirical model was …
human capital development. Design/methodology/approach An empirical model was …
Examining organic and mechanistic structures: Do we know as much as we thought?
Burns and Stalker's theory of organic/mechanistic structures (1961, The Management of
Innovation. London: Tavistock) has been widely used. However, review of the empirical …
Innovation. London: Tavistock) has been widely used. However, review of the empirical …
Learning organization and its effect on organizational performance and organizational innovativeness: A proposed framework for Malaysian Public Institutions of …
The survival of today's public institutions of higher education (PIHE) depends on how these
institutions accept changes, improve practices and competitiveness. Defined as an …
institutions accept changes, improve practices and competitiveness. Defined as an …
Love your mistakes!—they help you adapt to change. How do knowledge, collaboration and learning cultures foster organizational intelligence?
Purpose The study aims to determine how the acceptance of mistakes is related to
adaptability to change in a broad organizational context. Therefore, it explores how …
adaptability to change in a broad organizational context. Therefore, it explores how …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptive dynamical systems modelling of transformational organizational change with focus on organizational culture and organizational learning
Abstract Transformative Organizational Change becomes more and more significant both
practically and academically, especially in the context of organizational culture and learning …
practically and academically, especially in the context of organizational culture and learning …
Do mistakes acceptance foster innovation? Polish and US cross-country study of tacit knowledge sharing in IT
W Kucharska - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to understand and compare how the mechanism of innovative
processes in the information technology (IT) industry–the most innovative industry worldwide …
processes in the information technology (IT) industry–the most innovative industry worldwide …
Organizational learning measurement and the effect on firm innovation
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to propose and validate a measurement scale to
capture organizational learning capabilities (OLC) and examine how OLC affects innovation …
capture organizational learning capabilities (OLC) and examine how OLC affects innovation …
Examining the role of knowledge sharing on employee performance with a mediating effect of organizational learning
Purpose The current world of knowledge has a demand for intellectual capital to position or
prosper any business. Organizations are constantly looking for develo** a pool of talent to …
prosper any business. Organizations are constantly looking for develo** a pool of talent to …