[CARTE][B] Combined and uneven development: Towards a new theory of world-literature
Warwick Research Collective - 2015 - books.google.com
The ambition of this book is to resituate the problem of'world literature', considered as a
revived category of theoretical enquiry, by pursuing the literary-cultural implications of the …
revived category of theoretical enquiry, by pursuing the literary-cultural implications of the …
Stylizing the self: The Y generation in Rosebank, Johannesburg
S Nuttall - Public culture, 2004 - muse.jhu.edu
Global cities, like New York, San Salvador, or Shanghai, have served as criti-cal sites for the
remixing and reassembling of racial identities. This has taken specific and concrete form in …
remixing and reassembling of racial identities. This has taken specific and concrete form in …
Starting from anywhere, making connections: globalizing urban theory
J Robinson - Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper offers a commentary on the papers in this special issue, drawing out the ways in
which they bring forward tactics for comparative and global urbanism, contributing to urban …
which they bring forward tactics for comparative and global urbanism, contributing to urban …
Living in dystopia
J Robinson - Past, present and future in contemporary African cities …, 2010 - degruyter.com
Fictional dystopias generally portray imaginary places. And yet one of the common
strategies of the genre is to create plausible futures, taking the reader from a more or less …
strategies of the genre is to create plausible futures, taking the reader from a more or less …
Ivan Vladislavić: Traversing the uneven city
P Mukherjee - Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The specificities of the African metropolis, or “Afropolis”, have been recently debated by a
number of influential theorists of globalization and urban growth. This article registers these …
number of influential theorists of globalization and urban growth. This article registers these …
Exploding Johannesburg: Driving in a worldly city
J Graham - Transtext (e) s Transcultures 跨文本跨文化 …, 2007 - journals.openedition.org
This article argues for the importance of the «system of automobility» to critical cultural
studies of Johannesburg, sub-Saharan Africa's most globalized city. Using Ivan Vladislavić's …
studies of Johannesburg, sub-Saharan Africa's most globalized city. Using Ivan Vladislavić's …
Ivan Vladislavić and the possible city
J Graham - Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
The article explores the literary significance of Johannesburg in the writing of Ivan
Vladislavić in the context of recent debates about how to read the African city. In his most …
Vladislavić in the context of recent debates about how to read the African city. In his most …
[CARTE][B] At home with Ivan Vladislavić: An African flaneur greens the postcolonial city
G Gaylard - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
At Home With Ivan Vladislavić is the first comprehensive analysis of the works of Ivan
Vladislavić. Bringing a flaneur's" internal GPS" to postcolonial Johannesburg, Vladislavić …
Vladislavić. Bringing a flaneur's" internal GPS" to postcolonial Johannesburg, Vladislavić …
Layers of permanence: toward a spatial—materialist reading of Ivan Vladislavić's The exploded view
S Graham - 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Critics of Vladislavić's early fiction have tended toward dehistoricized textual readings
focusing on the author's clear preoccupation with words and word games. Such readings …
focusing on the author's clear preoccupation with words and word games. Such readings …
Sticking together: Ivan Vladislavić's collage practice
GK Riach - Safundi, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
“Propaganda by Monuments” was published in Staffrider magazine in 1992, and is the first
example of Ivan Vladislavić's experiments with collage techniques, an interest he has …
example of Ivan Vladislavić's experiments with collage techniques, an interest he has …