Modelling the behaviour of accretion flows in X-ray binaries: Everything you always wanted to know about accretion but were afraid to ask

C Done, M Gierliński, A Kubota - The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2007‏ - Springer
We review how the recent increase in X-ray and radio data from black hole and neutron star
binaries can be merged together with theoretical advances to give a coherent picture of the …

Advection-dominated accretion and the black hole event horizon

R Narayan, JE McClintock - New Astronomy Reviews, 2008‏ - Elsevier
As the luminosity of an accreting black hole drops to a few percent of Eddington, the
spectrum switches from the familiar soft state to a hard state that is well-described by a …

WATCHDOG: a comprehensive all-sky database of galactic black hole X-ray binaries

BE Tetarenko, GR Sivakoff, CO Heinke… - The Astrophysical …, 2016‏ -
With the advent of more sensitive all-sky instruments, the transient universe is being probed
in greater depth than ever before. Taking advantage of available resources, we have …

States and transitions in black hole binaries

TM Belloni - The Jet Paradigm: From Microquasars to Quasars, 2009‏ - Springer
With the availability of the large database of black-hole transients from the Rossi X-Ray
Timing Explorer, the observed phenomenology has become very complex. The original …

Relativistic X-ray lines from the inner accretion disks around black holes

JM Miller - Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 2007‏ -
Relativistic X-ray emission lines from the inner accretion disks around black holes are
reviewed. Recent observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, X-ray Multi-Mirror …

X-ray reflection spectroscopy of the black hole GX 339–4: exploring the hard state with unprecedented sensitivity

JA García, JF Steiner, JE McClintock… - The Astrophysical …, 2015‏ -
We analyze simultaneously six composite RXTE spectra of GX 339–4 in the hard state
comprising 77 million counts collected over 196 ks. The source spectra are ordered by …

A long, hard look at the low/hard state in accreting black holes

JM Miller, J Homan, D Steeghs, M Rupen… - The Astrophysical …, 2006‏ -
We present the first results of coordinated multiwavelength observations of the Galactic
black hole GX 339-4 in a canonical low/hard state, obtained during its 2004 outburst. XMM …

The gas-to-extinction ratio and the gas distribution in the Galaxy

H Zhu, W Tian, A Li, M Zhang - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 2017‏ -
We investigate the relation between the optical extinction (AV) and the hydrogen column
density (NH) determined from X-ray observations of a large sample of Galactic sightlines …

Evaluating spectral models and the X-ray states of neutron star X-ray transients

D Lin, RA Remillard, J Homan - The Astrophysical Journal, 2007‏ -
We analyze the X-ray spectra of the neutron star (NS) X-ray transients Aql X-1 and 4U 1608-
52, obtained with RXTE during more than 20 outbursts. We test commonly used spectral …

Assessing luminosity correlations via cluster analysis: evidence for dual tracks in the radio/X-ray domain of black hole X-ray binaries

E Gallo, BP Miller, R Fender - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 2012‏ -
The radio/X-ray correlation for hard and quiescent state black hole X-ray binaries is critically
investigated in this paper. New observations of known sources, along with newly discovered …