Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, phosphate–solubilizing bacteria, and silicon to P uptake by plant
Phosphorus (P) availability is usually low in soils around the globe. Most soils have a
deficiency of available P; if they are not fertilized, they will not be able to satisfy the P …
deficiency of available P; if they are not fertilized, they will not be able to satisfy the P …
[HTML][HTML] Diversity of phosphate chemical forms in soils and their contributions on soil microbial community structure changes
A Ducousso-Détrez, J Fontaine… - Microorganisms, 2022 -
In many soils, the bioavailability of Phosphorus (P), an essential macronutrient is a limiting
factor for crop production. Among the mechanisms developed to facilitate the absorption of …
factor for crop production. Among the mechanisms developed to facilitate the absorption of …
Global phosphorus shortage will be aggravated by soil erosion
Soil phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural systems will limit food and feed production in the
future. Here, we combine spatially distributed global soil erosion estimates (only considering …
future. Here, we combine spatially distributed global soil erosion estimates (only considering …
[HTML][HTML] Improving the phosphorus budget of European agricultural soils
Despite phosphorus (P) being crucial for plant nutrition and thus food security, excessive P
fertilization harms soil and aquatic ecosystems. Accordingly, the European Green Deal and …
fertilization harms soil and aquatic ecosystems. Accordingly, the European Green Deal and …
Half of global agricultural soil phosphorus fertility derived from anthropogenic sources
The use of mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizers, often referred to as anthropogenic
phosphorus, has dramatically altered the global phosphorus cycle and increased soil …
phosphorus, has dramatically altered the global phosphorus cycle and increased soil …
Phosphorus applications adjusted to optimal crop yields can help sustain global phosphorus reserves
With the longevity of phosphorus reserves uncertain, distributing phosphorus to meet food
production needs is a global challenge. Here we match plant-available soil Olsen …
production needs is a global challenge. Here we match plant-available soil Olsen …
The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa
Can farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) boost crop yields and improve food availability
without using more mineral fertilizer? This question has been at the center of lively debates …
without using more mineral fertilizer? This question has been at the center of lively debates …
A global database of soil plant available phosphorus
Soil phosphorus drives food production that is needed to feed a growing global population.
However, knowledge of plant available phosphorus stocks at a global scale is poor but …
However, knowledge of plant available phosphorus stocks at a global scale is poor but …
Global patterns and drivers of soil total phosphorus concentration
Soils represent the largest phosphorus (P) reserves on land and determining the amount is
a critical first step for identifying sites where ecosystem functioning is potentially limited by P …
a critical first step for identifying sites where ecosystem functioning is potentially limited by P …
Remarkable effects of microbial factors on soil phosphorus bioavailability: a country‐scale study
J Lu, P Jia, S Feng, Y Wang, J Zheng, S Ou… - Global Change …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Low soil phosphorus (P) bioavailability causes the widespread occurrence of P‐limited
terrestrial ecosystems around the globe. Exploring the factors influencing soil P …
terrestrial ecosystems around the globe. Exploring the factors influencing soil P …