Three dimensional energy profile:: A conceptual framework for assessing household energy use
The provision of adequate, reliable, and affordable energy has been considered as a
cornerstone of development. More than one-third of the world's population has a very limited …
cornerstone of development. More than one-third of the world's population has a very limited …
[CARTE][B] The Jevons paradox and the myth of resource efficiency improvements
B Alcott, M Giampietro, K Mayumi, J Polimeni - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
The Jevons Paradox , which was first expressed in 1865 by William Stanley Jevons in
relation to use of coal, states that an increase in efficiency in using a resource leads to …
relation to use of coal, states that an increase in efficiency in using a resource leads to …
[CARTE][B] Multi-scale integrated analysis of agroecosystems
M Giampietro - 2003 - taylorfrancis.com
Ecologists, agronomists, and others who may question the validity of current models for
determining sustainable growth of agroecosystems, need a new set of analytical tools that …
determining sustainable growth of agroecosystems, need a new set of analytical tools that …
[CARTE][B] The myth of resource efficiency: The Jevons paradox
JM Polimeni, K Mayumi, M Giampietro, B Alcott - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
'The Jevons Paradox', which was first expressed in 1865 by William Stanley Jevons in
relation to use of coal, states that an increase in efficiency in using a resource leads to …
relation to use of coal, states that an increase in efficiency in using a resource leads to …
[CARTE][B] The origins of ecological economics: the bioeconomics of Georgescu-Roegen
K Mayumi - 2001 - taylorfrancis.com
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen deserves to be called the father of ecological economics. This
book connects Georgescu-Roegen's earlier work such as consumer choice theory and a …
book connects Georgescu-Roegen's earlier work such as consumer choice theory and a …
[CARTE][B] Psychology and environmental change
RS Nickerson - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
This book stimulates thinking on the topic of detrimental environmental change and how
research psychologists can help to address the problem. In addition to reporting …
research psychologists can help to address the problem. In addition to reporting …
Jevons' Paradox and the myth of technological liberation
JM Polimeni, RI Polimeni - Ecological Complexity, 2006 - Elsevier
Natural resource consumption has increased considerably in the past 200 years despite
more efficient technology advancements. This correlation between increased natural …
more efficient technology advancements. This correlation between increased natural …
Does the gender of the household head affect household energy choice in Ghana? An empirical analysis
There is evidence in the literature that there exist gender-related differences in household
energy choices. However, most of these studies have assumed the homogenous slope …
energy choices. However, most of these studies have assumed the homogenous slope …
[PDF][PDF] Georgescu-Roegen/daly versus solow/stiglitz revisited
There are two key issues which are not fully elaborated in the papers in a recent special
issue of Ecological Economics (The contribution of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Vol. 22 …
issue of Ecological Economics (The contribution of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Vol. 22 …
[CARTE][B] Too cheap to meter: an economic and philosophical analysis of the nuclear dream
SM Cohn - 1997 - books.google.com
This book weaves together nuclear power and social theory to explain the history and
predict the future of nuclear power in the United States and to explore the determinants of …
predict the future of nuclear power in the United States and to explore the determinants of …