Phylogeny and evolution of Lepidoptera
Until recently, deep-level phylogeny in Lepidoptera, the largest single radiation of plant-
feeding insects, was very poorly understood. Over the past two decades, building on a …
feeding insects, was very poorly understood. Over the past two decades, building on a …
A molecular‐based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland
To associate specimens identified by molecular characters to other biological knowledge,
we need reference sequences annotated by Linnaean taxonomy. In this study, we (1) report …
we need reference sequences annotated by Linnaean taxonomy. In this study, we (1) report …
Delineating species with DNA barcodes: a case of taxon dependent method performance in moths
The accelerating loss of biodiversity has created a need for more effective ways to discover
species. Novel algorithmic approaches for analyzing sequence data combined with rapidly …
species. Novel algorithmic approaches for analyzing sequence data combined with rapidly …
Elusive ditrysian phylogeny: an account of combining systematized morphology with molecular data (Lepidoptera)
Background Ditrysia comprise close to 99% of all butterflies and moths. The evolutionary
relationships among the ditrysian superfamilies have received considerable attention in …
relationships among the ditrysian superfamilies have received considerable attention in …
Towards holomorphology in entomology: rapid and cost‐effective adult–larva matching using NGS barcodes
In many taxa the morphology of females and immatures is poorly known because species
descriptions and identification tools have a male bias. The root causes are problems with …
descriptions and identification tools have a male bias. The root causes are problems with …
Phylogeny of the superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera), with an exploratory application on geometric morphometrics
Abstract The superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera) has a high species
diversity. It consists of more than 18,400 described species and has a global distribution …
diversity. It consists of more than 18,400 described species and has a global distribution …
[PDF][PDF] Annotated taxonomic checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico
GR Pohl, B Patterson, JP Pelham - Work Pap Publ Online Authors, 2016 - blackrange.org
This is a list of all the butterfly and moth (Lepidoptera) species that are known to occur in
Canada, Greenland, and the United States of America excluding Hawaii. It is an update of …
Canada, Greenland, and the United States of America excluding Hawaii. It is an update of …
Moths and butterflies on alien shores: Global biogeography of non‐native Lepidoptera
Aim Lepidoptera is a highly diverse, predominantly herbivorous insect order, with species
transported to outside their native range largely facilitated by the global trade of plants and …
transported to outside their native range largely facilitated by the global trade of plants and …
The unresolved phylogenomic tree of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera): Assessing the potential causes and consequences
The field of molecular phylogenetics is being revolutionized with next‐generation
sequencing technologies making it possible to sequence large numbers of genomes for non …
sequencing technologies making it possible to sequence large numbers of genomes for non …
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Iran
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Iran* Page 1 Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Iran* Authors:
Rajaei, Hossein, Aarvik, Leif, Arnscheid, Wilfried, Baldizzone, Giorgio, Bartsch, Daniel, et al …
Rajaei, Hossein, Aarvik, Leif, Arnscheid, Wilfried, Baldizzone, Giorgio, Bartsch, Daniel, et al …