[HTML][HTML] Enhancing corrosion resistance and microstructure of the PEO coating layer on 6061 aluminium alloy: The role of first step voltage in plasma electrolytic …
GH Oh, JK Yoon, JY Huh, JM Doh - Corrosion Science, 2024 - Elsevier
In this study, a novel two-step hybrid PEO technique was used to produce an alumina (Al 2
O 3) on an Al6061 alloy. The research emphasizes the influence of the microstructure of the …
O 3) on an Al6061 alloy. The research emphasizes the influence of the microstructure of the …
Stabilization of NASICON-type electrolyte against Li anode via an ionic conductive MOF-incorporated adhesive interlayer
Sodium superionic conductor (NASICON)-type electrolytes with high ionic conductivity and
moisture/air stability are essential for solid-state batteries. However, they generally suffer …
moisture/air stability are essential for solid-state batteries. However, they generally suffer …
[HTML][HTML] Electrochemical characterization of anti-corrosion coatings formed on 6061 aluminum alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation in the corrosion inhibitor-enriched …
The 6061 aluminum alloy was surface-treated by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in
silicate-and borate-based electrolyte systems. The authors attempted to incorporate selected …
silicate-and borate-based electrolyte systems. The authors attempted to incorporate selected …
High concentration of organic solvents in aluminum MAO: A study of structural and tribological property
Y Ding, H Lu, G Chai, L Gao - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024 - Elsevier
Ceramic coatings were prepared on the surface of 6061 aluminum alloy using micro arc
oxidation (MAO) with high concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG200) as electrolyte. In …
oxidation (MAO) with high concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG200) as electrolyte. In …
Improvement of wear and corrosion protection of PEO on AA2024 via sol-gel sealing
L Sopchenski, J Robert, M Touzin, A Tricoteaux… - Surface and Coatings …, 2021 - Elsevier
Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is a versatile and cost-effective technique to obtain
protective oxide coatings in light metals, although its intrinsic porosity is a drawback for long …
protective oxide coatings in light metals, although its intrinsic porosity is a drawback for long …
[HTML][HTML] Corrosion performance of 6061 aluminium alloy protected by plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings modified by acrylic acid
A Olesiński, A Bugla, D Babilas, A Stolarczyk, W Simka… - Corrosion …, 2024 - Elsevier
Long-term corrosion studies (six weeks) of aluminium alloy 6061 treated by plasma
electrolytic oxidation (PEO) with or without the addition of a corrosion inhibitor (acrylic acid) …
electrolytic oxidation (PEO) with or without the addition of a corrosion inhibitor (acrylic acid) …
Evolution of corrosion on microstructure of ceramic coating produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation in molten salt
Low corrosion resistance in an Al alloy is usually overcome with the help of an Al oxide
coating. Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is a highly promising environment-friendly …
coating. Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is a highly promising environment-friendly …
Effect of frequency of plasma electrolytic oxidation on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of 6061 aluminium alloy
GH Oh, JK Yoon, JY Huh, JM Doh - Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, a hybrid method was used to generate a continuous thin alumina coating layer
on the surface of Al6061 alloy at different frequencies of 100 Hz, 400 Hz, and 2000 Hz in …
on the surface of Al6061 alloy at different frequencies of 100 Hz, 400 Hz, and 2000 Hz in …
Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on mechanically cold-worked titanium in solution containing hydroxyapatite ions
This comprehensive study conducts a systematic assessment of the mechanical and
corrosion properties of titanium-based dental implant materials after plasma electrolytic …
corrosion properties of titanium-based dental implant materials after plasma electrolytic …
Growth characteristics and corrosion resistance of micro-arc oxidation coating on Al–Mg composite plate
K Ling, Q Mo, X Lv, G Qin, W Yang, L Li, W Li - Vacuum, 2022 - Elsevier
To investigate the growth characteristics and corrosion resistance of Micro-arc oxidation
(MAO) coatings prepared from Al–Mg composite plates under sodium silicate electrolyte …
(MAO) coatings prepared from Al–Mg composite plates under sodium silicate electrolyte …