Sistem Informasi Front Office Untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Pelanggan Dalam Reservasi Kamar Hotel
The research aims to overcome the problem of managing customer data, room data, and
transaction data manually at Hotel Fergael. The management of customer data, room data …
transaction data manually at Hotel Fergael. The management of customer data, room data …
Pengembangan Sistem Customer Relationship Management Berbasis Web Pada PT. Terus Mega Tara Jakarta
This study aims to develop a web-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
system at the company PT. Terus Mega Tara authorized agent of AIWA electronic products …
system at the company PT. Terus Mega Tara authorized agent of AIWA electronic products …
Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pinjaman (Kredit) Pada Credo Union Modifikasi (CUM) Berbasis Web
Modified Union credo is a cooperative-type business entity owned by a group of people in a
unifying bond, which agrees to invest their money (shares) so as to create joint capital with …
unifying bond, which agrees to invest their money (shares) so as to create joint capital with …
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Dan Persediaan Produk Peralatan Pertanian Berbasis Web
DY Siringoringo, V Sihombing… - … (Teknik Informasi Dan …, 2021 -
The rapid development of technology has brought humans into a life side by side with
information and technology itself. Nowadays, more and more companies need fast and …
information and technology itself. Nowadays, more and more companies need fast and …
Digital Book Kajian Ilmu Fiqh Al-'Adah Muhakkamah Berbasis Android: Digital book
Pada saat ini dunia sedang memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0 atau revolusi industri global
keempat, dan teknologi telah menjadi basis kehidupan manusia. Era digital ini telah …
keempat, dan teknologi telah menjadi basis kehidupan manusia. Era digital ini telah …
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Pemberian Pinjaman Kredit Menggunakan Metode Topsis Pada Cum Caritas Hkbp Pematangsiantar
S Sonang, AT Purba… - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2020 -
This research was conducted to solve the problem of decision making to determine the
feasibility of giving loans to CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar. The applicant's …
feasibility of giving loans to CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar. The applicant's …
Rancang Bangun Sistem Ujian Online Berbasis Web Di Smk Pembangunan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir-Riau
SMK Pembangunan an online examination system is analyzed which is one part of the
distance education system through internet technology media. Exams conducted by most …
distance education system through internet technology media. Exams conducted by most …
Sistem Informasi Pembayaran SPP Pada SMK Swasta Teladan Tanah Jawa Menggunakan Vb. Net
The purpose of this study was to design a tuition payment accounting information system
using Vb. Net which aims to simplify and accelerate the Teladan Tanah Jawa private …
using Vb. Net which aims to simplify and accelerate the Teladan Tanah Jawa private …
Sistem Informasi Administrasi Data Siswa Berbasis Web Pada Smk Swasta Pembangunan Bagan Batu
S Siharningish, V Sihombing… - … (Teknik Informasi dan …, 2021 -
The very rapid development of technology has brought humans into life side by side with
information and technology itself. For now, there are more and more private companies …
information and technology itself. For now, there are more and more private companies …
Design and Development of Data Processing Applications for Make-Up and Wardrobe Service Orders in Excel Wedding Organizer
Data processing of make-up and wardrobe orders on the Excel wedding organizer in its
current operations is still done manually, so the admin who wants to process the data still …
current operations is still done manually, so the admin who wants to process the data still …