Logistics 4.0: a systematic review towards a new logistics system
Enterprises are confronted with new customer requirements and challenged by global
competition leading to fundamental changes of today's industry. Against this background, at …
competition leading to fundamental changes of today's industry. Against this background, at …
[HTML][HTML] Industry 4.0 and supply chain performance: A systematic literature review of the benefits, challenges, and critical success factors of 11 core technologies
The exponentially growing literature on Industry 4.0 technologies and their implications for
supply chains exhibits valuable insights alongside considerable fragmentation. While prior …
supply chains exhibits valuable insights alongside considerable fragmentation. While prior …
Towards energy efficient scheduling of manufacturing systems through collaboration between cyber physical production and energy systems
Currently, enhancing sustainability, and in particular reducing energy consumption, is a
huge challenge for manufacturing enterprises. The vision of the fourth industrial revolution …
huge challenge for manufacturing enterprises. The vision of the fourth industrial revolution …
Endüstri 4.0 ve lojistik sektörüne etkileri: Lojistik 4.0
Günümüzde internet dünyadaki her şey ile temas halindedir. Endüstri 4.0 Devrimi; Otonom
Makineler Robotlar, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Hizmetlerin İnterneti, Siber-Fiziksel Sistemler ve …
Makineler Robotlar, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Hizmetlerin İnterneti, Siber-Fiziksel Sistemler ve …
[BOOK][B] Predictive computing and information security
Predictive Computing term is tossed with the advancements in computing field and with the
evolution of computing techniques like Cloud computing, Pervasive computing, Internet of …
evolution of computing techniques like Cloud computing, Pervasive computing, Internet of …
Lojistik Sektöründe Endüstri 4.0 Uygulamalarinin Operasyonel Verimliliğe Etkisi
Özet Endüstri 4.0 tüm dünyada hemen her sektör için yıkıcı etkisi olan bir kavramdır. Akıllı
üretim sistemlerinin değer zincirinin her aşamasında yıkıcı etki yapmasının öngörüldüğü …
üretim sistemlerinin değer zincirinin her aşamasında yıkıcı etki yapmasının öngörüldüğü …
Expected trends in production networks for mass personalization in the cloud technology era
Currently, supply chains and manufacturing systems are changing based on the volatility in
the current market landscape and shifts in digital technologies. The mass personalization …
the current market landscape and shifts in digital technologies. The mass personalization …
Evolución de la gestión de la cadena de suministro y la logística, desde una visión tecnológica y sostenible
CR Meneses - Reto, 2020 - revistas.sena.edu.co
Este artículo, presenta la caracterización de la línea de investigación “Gestión de la cadena
de suministro y logística” como el eje ordenador de las actividades de investigación en este …
de suministro y logística” como el eje ordenador de las actividades de investigación en este …
The Problem of Employment and Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
D Yücel - Logistics 4.0 and Future of Supply Chains, 2022 - Springer
Having been the products of arising needs, industrial revolutions led to many innovations in
economic and social life during their respective periods. The Fourth Industrial Revolution …
economic and social life during their respective periods. The Fourth Industrial Revolution …
[BOOK][B] Industrie 4.0–Gestaltung cyber-physischer Logistiksysteme zur Unterstützung des Logistikmanagements in der Smart Factory
DT Roy - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Abstract „Industrie 4.0 “steht für die vierte industrielle Revolution. Diese Revolution ist
gekennzeichnet durch die sukzessive Vernetzung von physischer und digitaler Welt. Diese …
gekennzeichnet durch die sukzessive Vernetzung von physischer und digitaler Welt. Diese …