What's down there? The structures, materials and environment of deep-seated slow slip and tremor
Deep-seated slow slip and tremor (SST), including slow slip events, episodic tremor and
slip, and low-frequency earthquakes, occur downdip of the seismogenic zone of numerous …
slip, and low-frequency earthquakes, occur downdip of the seismogenic zone of numerous …
A review on slow earthquakes in the Japan Trench
Slow earthquakes are episodic slow fault slips. They form a fundamental component of
interplate deformation processes, along with fast, regular earthquakes. Recent …
interplate deformation processes, along with fast, regular earthquakes. Recent …
Slow earthquake scaling reconsidered as a boundary between distinct modes of rupture propagation
The scaling law for slow earthquakes, which is a linear relationship between seismic
moment and duration, was proposed 15 y ago and initiated a debate on the difference in …
moment and duration, was proposed 15 y ago and initiated a debate on the difference in …
Global subduction slow slip events and associated earthquakes
Three decades of geodetic monitoring have established slow slip events (SSEs) as a
common mode of fault slip, sometimes linked with earthquake swarms and in a few cases …
common mode of fault slip, sometimes linked with earthquake swarms and in a few cases …
Shallow slow slip events along the Nankai Trough detected by GNSS-A
Various slow earthquakes (SEQs), including tremors, very low frequency events, and slow
slip events (SSEs), occur along megathrust zones. In a shallow plate boundary region …
slip events (SSEs), occur along megathrust zones. In a shallow plate boundary region …
Unraveling scaling properties of slow‐slip events
A major debate in geophysics is whether earthquakes and slow‐slip events (SSEs) arise
from similar failure mechanisms. Recent observations from different subduction zones …
from similar failure mechanisms. Recent observations from different subduction zones …
Upper-plate conduits linked to plate boundary that hosts slow earthquakes
In shallow subduction zones, fluid behavior impacts various geodynamic processes capable
of regulating slip behaviors and forming mud volcanoes. However, evidence of structures …
of regulating slip behaviors and forming mud volcanoes. However, evidence of structures …
Development of a detection method for short-term slow slip events using GNSS data and its application to the Nankai subduction zone
Using global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data to detect millimeter-order signals of
short-term slow slip events (S-SSEs) and to estimate their source parameters, especially …
short-term slow slip events (S-SSEs) and to estimate their source parameters, especially …
New constraints on slip deficit on the Aleutian megathrust and inflation at Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska from repeat GPS measurements
We employ an enhanced data set of Global Positioning System (GPS) velocities to reassess
the slip deficit along the plate interface of the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone. An …
the slip deficit along the plate interface of the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone. An …
Structural control and system-level behavior of the seismic cycle at the Nankai Trough
Abstract The Nankai Trough in Southwest Japan exhibits a wide spectrum of fault slip, with
long-term and short-term slow-slip events, slow and fast earthquakes, all associated with …
long-term and short-term slow-slip events, slow and fast earthquakes, all associated with …