One hundred years of work design research: Looking back and looking forward.

SK Parker, FP Morgeson, G Johns - Journal of applied psychology, 2017 -
In this article we take a big picture perspective on work design research. In the first section of
the paper we identify influential work design articles and use scientific map** to identify …

Job attitudes, job satisfaction, and job affect: A century of continuity and of change.

TA Judge, HM Weiss… - Journal of applied …, 2017 -
Over the past 100 years, research on job attitudes has improved in the sophistication of
methods and in the productive use of theory as a basis for fundamental research into …

A study of job satisfaction and its effect on the performance of employees working in private sector organizations, Peshawar

W Inayat, M Jahanzeb Khan - Education Research …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The aim of the present research was to study the effect of job satisfaction on the performance
of employees working in private sector organizations of Peshawar, Pakistan. For that …

E‐learning? Never again! On the unintended consequences of COVID‐19 forced e‐learning on academic teacher motivational job characteristics

K Kulikowski, S Przytuła… - Higher Education …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
During the COVID‐19 pandemic, universities worldwide are going into 'emergency mode'—
radically transforming education by switching to online and e‐learning education. In the face …

[CARTE][B] Job satisfaction: From assessment to intervention

PE Spector - 2022 -
Distilling the vast literature on this most frequently studied variable in organizational
behavior, Paul E. Spector provides students and professionals with a pithy overview of the …

Distance makes the heart grow fonder: An examination of teleworkers' and office workers' job satisfaction through the lens of self-determination theory

E Brunelle, JA Fortin - Sage Open, 2021 -
Although research on teleworking dates back about a decade, much remains unknown with
regard to how teleworking impacts employees' experience at work. Based on self …

Job design research and theory: Past, present and future

GR Oldham, Y Fried - Organizational behavior and human decision …, 2016 - Elsevier
This article reviews the research and theory that have focused on the design of jobs in
organizations. We begin by summarizing some of the earliest work on this topic and then …

Interest fit and job satisfaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis

KA Hoff, QC Song, CJM Wee, WMJ Phan… - Journal of Vocational …, 2020 - Elsevier
Interest inventories are commonly used for career and organizational decision-making.
Though it is widely assumed that interest fit predicts job satisfaction, previous meta-analyses …

Beyond motivation: Job and work design for development, health, ambidexterity, and more

SK Parker - Annual review of psychology, 2014 -
Much research shows it is possible to design motivating work, which has positive
consequences for individuals and their organizations. This article reviews research that …

The too-much-of-a-good-thing effect in management

JR Pierce, H Aguinis - Journal of management, 2013 -
A growing body of empirical evidence in the management literature suggests that
antecedent variables widely accepted as leading to desirable consequences actually lead to …