Reading motivation and reading comprehension growth in the later elementary years
Reading motivation has been viewed as a multifaceted construct with multiple constituents.
Our investigation of motivational multiplicity expanded on previous literature by including …
Our investigation of motivational multiplicity expanded on previous literature by including …
Noticing and revising discrepancies as texts unfold
Readers attempt to build coherent representations for what they read, but those
representations may fail to capture the actual content of texts. For example, although …
representations may fail to capture the actual content of texts. For example, although …
Negation and social avoidance in language recruits the right inferior frontal gyrus: A tDCS study
Introduction In the process of comprehension, linguistic negation induces inhibition of
negated scenarios. Numerous studies have highlighted the role of the right Inferior Frontal …
negated scenarios. Numerous studies have highlighted the role of the right Inferior Frontal …
So, talk to me: The effect of explicit goals on the comprehension of business process narratives
WL Kuechler, V Vaishnavi - Mis Quarterly, 2006 - JSTOR
Unstructured data, most of it text-based and computer-mediated, makes up a rapidly growing
majority of the knowledge store of most organizations. Entire classes of information systems …
majority of the knowledge store of most organizations. Entire classes of information systems …
Understanding approach and avoidance in verbal descriptions of everyday actions: An ERP study
Understanding verbal descriptions of everyday actions could involve the neural
representation of action direction (avoidance and approach) toward persons and things. We …
representation of action direction (avoidance and approach) toward persons and things. We …
Negation interacts with motivational direction in understanding action sentences
Linguistic negation acts by inhibiting the representation of information under its scope, often
leading to the representation of positive alternative states of affairs. Motivational direction …
leading to the representation of positive alternative states of affairs. Motivational direction …
Carefully encoding approach/avoidance body locomotion with interpersonal conduct in narrated interactions.
Les tendances à l'approche et à l'évitement de personnes de valence positive ou négative
pourraient être associées au comportement interpersonnel avec ces dernières: l'action …
pourraient être associées au comportement interpersonnel avec ces dernières: l'action …
Brain encoding of social approach: is it associated with spatial ability?
Human brains encode approach in social relationships as cognitively relevant for adaptive
behavior. In this study, using event-related potentials (ERPs), we found that reading …
behavior. In this study, using event-related potentials (ERPs), we found that reading …
Comprensión de las relaciones interpersonales en el contexto de narraciones de episodios de interacción
H Marrero, E Gámez - Studies in Psychology, 2004 -
The paper proposes that the process of comprehending interpersonal narratives includes
changes produced in the relations between the characters as a result of the interactions that …
changes produced in the relations between the characters as a result of the interactions that …
[PDF][PDF] El papel de la dimensión aproximación-evitación en la interpretación de los verbos interpersonales
En esa frase, lo informativo del verbo es la acción psicomotriz de transferencia de un objeto.
Pero también pueden ser verbos más abstractos, mentalistas, que no se refieren a una …
Pero también pueden ser verbos más abstractos, mentalistas, que no se refieren a una …