Diffusion of e-government: A literature review and directions for future directions

H Zhang, X Xu, J **ao - Government Information Quarterly, 2014 - Elsevier
In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of research published on the topic of e-
government diffusion. This paper provides a meta-analytic review of the literature on the …

Two decades of e-government diffusion among local governments in the United States

B Epstein - Government Information Quarterly, 2022 - Elsevier
This study is the first to evaluate e-government diffusion among local governments in the
United States over time. The diffusion rates of various types of e-government services are …

ICT and Tax Administration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Adopting ITAS in Uganda and Sierra Leone

G Occhiali, D Akol, PM Kargbo - 2022 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
The adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the public sector,
including for tax administration, has been hailed as potentially transformational over the last …

E-government diffusion: Evidence from the last decade

MN Ngafeeson, MI Merhi - Public affairs and administration …, 2015 - igi-global.com
The use of technology to offer goods and services by governments to citizens has been a
growing phenomenon in the last decade. Many projects have been recorded across nations …

Designing Innovation Strategy in the Context of Competitive Advantage in Telecommunication Industry

GY Ismael, M Saǧsan - ECKM 2020 21st European Conference …, 2020 - books.google.com
The dynamic nature of the business environment has made innovation a necessity. Firms
that are innovative continuously reinvent themselves and keep abreast with developments in …

E-government strategy in Turkey: a case for M-government?

R de Kervenoael, I Kocoglu - … of research on e-government in …, 2012 - igi-global.com
Market orientation strategies are now expected to be integrated and enacted by firms and
governments alike. While private services will surely continue to take the lead in mobile …

E-Government services on foundation immovable properties

YE Coruhlu, O Demir - Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural …, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
In recent years, some institutions and organizations have established information system
infrastructures in accordance with e-government strategy stipulated in 10th development …

Variables affecting the adoption of information and communication technologies in the government from the perspectives of public administrators in Kuwait

HA Alsarraf, H Ebrahim… - … , an International Journal, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
This research examines some of the attitudes that have impacts on the adoption of new
information and communication technologies (ICTs) by public administrators in Kuwait …

E-devlet uygulamalarının bilgi ve belge yönetimi açısından analizi

A Bülbül - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Bilgi, her dönemde güç olarak kabul gören bir kavram olmuştur. Ancak daha eski
dönemlerde prestij anlamında güç olarak görülen bilgi, günümüzde ekonomi ve enflasyon …

Isomorphic Diffusionin Public Sector: Focus on China

C Cheng, CHI Shangxin - Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2017 - rtsa.ro
Based on widely ranged theoretical discussion of isomorphic diffusion, this article traces the
process of isomorphism in the context of public service center diffusion in China and …