Diffusion of e-government: A literature review and directions for future directions
H Zhang, X Xu, J **ao - Government Information Quarterly, 2014 - Elsevier
In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of research published on the topic of e-
government diffusion. This paper provides a meta-analytic review of the literature on the …
government diffusion. This paper provides a meta-analytic review of the literature on the …
Two decades of e-government diffusion among local governments in the United States
B Epstein - Government Information Quarterly, 2022 - Elsevier
This study is the first to evaluate e-government diffusion among local governments in the
United States over time. The diffusion rates of various types of e-government services are …
United States over time. The diffusion rates of various types of e-government services are …
ICT and Tax Administration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Adopting ITAS in Uganda and Sierra Leone
G Occhiali, D Akol, PM Kargbo - 2022 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
The adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the public sector,
including for tax administration, has been hailed as potentially transformational over the last …
including for tax administration, has been hailed as potentially transformational over the last …
E-government diffusion: Evidence from the last decade
The use of technology to offer goods and services by governments to citizens has been a
growing phenomenon in the last decade. Many projects have been recorded across nations …
growing phenomenon in the last decade. Many projects have been recorded across nations …
Designing Innovation Strategy in the Context of Competitive Advantage in Telecommunication Industry
The dynamic nature of the business environment has made innovation a necessity. Firms
that are innovative continuously reinvent themselves and keep abreast with developments in …
that are innovative continuously reinvent themselves and keep abreast with developments in …
E-government strategy in Turkey: a case for M-government?
Market orientation strategies are now expected to be integrated and enacted by firms and
governments alike. While private services will surely continue to take the lead in mobile …
governments alike. While private services will surely continue to take the lead in mobile …
E-Government services on foundation immovable properties
YE Coruhlu, O Demir - Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural …, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
In recent years, some institutions and organizations have established information system
infrastructures in accordance with e-government strategy stipulated in 10th development …
infrastructures in accordance with e-government strategy stipulated in 10th development …
Variables affecting the adoption of information and communication technologies in the government from the perspectives of public administrators in Kuwait
This research examines some of the attitudes that have impacts on the adoption of new
information and communication technologies (ICTs) by public administrators in Kuwait …
information and communication technologies (ICTs) by public administrators in Kuwait …
E-devlet uygulamalarının bilgi ve belge yönetimi açısından analizi
A Bülbül - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Bilgi, her dönemde güç olarak kabul gören bir kavram olmuştur. Ancak daha eski
dönemlerde prestij anlamında güç olarak görülen bilgi, günümüzde ekonomi ve enflasyon …
dönemlerde prestij anlamında güç olarak görülen bilgi, günümüzde ekonomi ve enflasyon …
Isomorphic Diffusionin Public Sector: Focus on China
C Cheng, CHI Shangxin - Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2017 - rtsa.ro
Based on widely ranged theoretical discussion of isomorphic diffusion, this article traces the
process of isomorphism in the context of public service center diffusion in China and …
process of isomorphism in the context of public service center diffusion in China and …