[HTML][HTML] A review of the current status of flood modelling for urban flood risk management in the develo** countries
The prevalence of flooding events and the associated risk in the urban areas is an
increasingly important issue of global significance, although it is more critical for the …
increasingly important issue of global significance, although it is more critical for the …
A review of methods to match building energy simulation models to measured data
Whole building energy simulation (BES) models play a significant role in the design and
optimisation of buildings. Simulation models may be used to compare the cost-effectiveness …
optimisation of buildings. Simulation models may be used to compare the cost-effectiveness …
[ספר][B] Rainfall-runoff modelling: the primer
KJ Beven - 2012 - books.google.com
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: The Primer, Second Edition is the follow-up of this popular and
authoritative text, first published in 2001. The book provides both a primer for the novice and …
authoritative text, first published in 2001. The book provides both a primer for the novice and …
[HTML][HTML] The use of LiDAR-derived DEM in flood applications: A review
Flood occurrence is increasing due to escalated urbanization and extreme climate change;
hence, various studies on this issue and methods of flood monitoring and map** are also …
hence, various studies on this issue and methods of flood monitoring and map** are also …
Equifinality, data assimilation, and uncertainty estimation in mechanistic modelling of complex environmental systems using the GLUE methodology
It may be endemic to mechanistic modelling of complex environmental systems that there
are many different model structures and many different parameter sets within a chosen …
are many different model structures and many different parameter sets within a chosen …
A subgrid channel model for simulating river hydraulics and floodplain inundation over large and data sparse areas
This paper presents a new computationally efficient hydraulic model for simulating the
spatially distributed dynamics of water surface elevation, wave speed, and inundation extent …
spatially distributed dynamics of water surface elevation, wave speed, and inundation extent …
Global sensitivity analysis in hydrodynamic modeling and flood inundation map**
Flood simulation with two-dimensional hydrodynamic models is subject to different sources
of uncertainties in model configuration, boundary conditions, and model parametrization …
of uncertainties in model configuration, boundary conditions, and model parametrization …
Investigating the role of model structure and surface roughness in generating flood inundation extents using one‐and two‐dimensional hydraulic models
Hydraulic models play an important role in determining flood inundation areas. When
considering a wide array of one‐(1D) and two‐dimensional (2D) hydraulic models, selecting …
considering a wide array of one‐(1D) and two‐dimensional (2D) hydraulic models, selecting …
[ספר][B] Environmental modelling: an uncertain future?
K Beven - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Uncertainty in the predictions of science when applied to the environment is an issue of
great current relevance in relation to the impacts of climate change, protecting against …
great current relevance in relation to the impacts of climate change, protecting against …
Statistical and hydrological evaluation of TRMM-based Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis over the Wangchu Basin of Bhutan: Are the latest satellite precipitation …
The objective of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the successive Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) products and …
Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) products and …