The neuroethology of friendship
Friendship pervades the human social landscape. These bonds are so important that
disrupting them leads to health problems, and difficulties forming or maintaining friendships …
disrupting them leads to health problems, and difficulties forming or maintaining friendships …
Theory of mind in children with specific language impairment: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
The relation between language and theory of mind (ToM) has been debated for more than
two decades. In a similar vein, ToM has been examined in children with specific language …
two decades. In a similar vein, ToM has been examined in children with specific language …
Gender differences in empathy, compassion, and prosocial donations, but not theory of mind in a naturalistic social task
Despite broad interest, experimental evidence for gender differences in social abilities
remains inconclusive. Two important factors may have limited previous results:(i) a lack of …
remains inconclusive. Two important factors may have limited previous results:(i) a lack of …
Measuring theory of mind across middle childhood: Reliability and validity of the silent films and strange stories tasks
Recent years have seen a growth of research on the development of children's ability to
reason about others' mental states (or “theory of mind”) beyond the narrow confines of the …
reason about others' mental states (or “theory of mind”) beyond the narrow confines of the …
The mindful trajectory: Developmental changes in mentalizing throughout adolescence and young adulthood
Background Mentalizing and psychological mindedness are two key, partially overlap**
facets of social cognition. While mentalizing refers to the ability to reflect on one's own …
facets of social cognition. While mentalizing refers to the ability to reflect on one's own …
Conduct disorder in adolescent females: current state of research and study design of the FemNAT-CD consortium
Conduct disorder (CD) is a common and highly impairing psychiatric disorder of childhood
and adolescence that frequently leads to poor physical and mental health outcomes in …
and adolescence that frequently leads to poor physical and mental health outcomes in …
Emotional support consistency and teacher–child relationships forecast social competence and problem behaviors in prekindergarten and kindergarten
Teachers' ratings of conflict and closeness as well as observed emotional support are
known predictors of children's social functioning. Consistency in emotional support …
known predictors of children's social functioning. Consistency in emotional support …
Development of constructivist theory of mind from middle childhood to early adulthood and its relation to social cognition and behavior
Two studies examined the development of constructivist theory of mind (ToM) during late
childhood and early adolescence. In Study 1, a new measure was developed to assess …
childhood and early adolescence. In Study 1, a new measure was developed to assess …
Beyond Sally's missing marble: Further development in children's understanding of mind and emotion in middle childhood
Research on the development of theory of mind (ToM), the understanding of people in
relation to mental states and emotions, has been a vibrant area of cognitive development …
relation to mental states and emotions, has been a vibrant area of cognitive development …
Sex differences in the neural basis of false-belief and pragmatic language comprehension
Increasing research evidence suggests that women are more advanced than men in
pragmatic language comprehension and Theory of Mind (ToM), which is a cognitive …
pragmatic language comprehension and Theory of Mind (ToM), which is a cognitive …