Quantum computing with NMR

JA Jones - Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 2011 - Elsevier
Quantum computers [1–4] are explicitly quantum mechanical systems that use phenomena
such as superposition and entanglement to perform computational tasks more efficiently …

Training Schrödinger's cat: Quantum optimal control: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe

SJ Glaser, U Boscain, T Calarco, CP Koch… - The European Physical …, 2015 - Springer
It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering
it provides a systematic way for driving a dynamical system from a given initial state into a …

Optimal control in NMR spectroscopy: Numerical implementation in SIMPSON

Z Tošner, T Vosegaard, C Kehlet, N Khaneja… - Journal of Magnetic …, 2009 - Elsevier
We present the implementation of optimal control into the open source simulation package
SIMPSON for development and optimization of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments for …

Speeding up and slowing down the relaxation of a qubit by optimal control

V Mukherjee, A Carlini, A Mari, T Caneva… - Physical Review A, 2013 - APS
We consider a two-level quantum system prepared in an arbitrary initial state and relaxing to
a steady state due to the action of a Markovian dissipative channel. We study how optimal …

Frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps: A time-optimal approach

D Stefanatos, J Ruths, JS Li - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2010 - APS
In this article we formulate frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps as a time-optimal
control problem, permitting imaginary values of the trap frequency for transient time intervals …

[KNIHA][B] Formulation and numerical solution of quantum control problems

A Borzì, G Ciaramella, M Sprengel - 2017 - SIAM
The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to some representative nonrelativistic
quantum control problems and to their theoretical analysis and solution by modern …

Spins as qubits: quantum information processing by nuclear magnetic resonance

D Suter, TS Mahesh - The Journal of chemical physics, 2008 - pubs.aip.org
Storing information in quantum mechanical degrees of freedom and processing it by unitary
transformation promises a new class of computers that can efficiently solve problems for …

Lie theory for quantum control

G Dirr, U Helmke - GAMM‐Mitteilungen, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
One of the main theoretical challenges in quantum computing is the design of explicit
schemes that enable one to effectively factorize a given final unitary operator into a product …

The Elusive Ternary Intermediates of Chiral Phosphoric Acids in Ion Pair Catalysis─ Structures, Conformations, and Aggregation

M Franta, A Pattanaik, W Silva… - Journal of the …, 2025 - ACS Publications
In ion-pair catalysis, the last intermediate structures prior to the stereoselective transition
states are of special importance for predictive models due to the high isomerization barrier …

Efficient generation of the triplet Bell state between coupled spins using transitionless quantum driving and optimal control

D Stefanatos, E Paspalakis - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
We consider a pair of coupled spins with Ising interaction in the z direction and study the
problem of generating efficiently the triplet Bell state. We initially analyze the transitionless …