Cache persistence-aware memory bus contention analysis for multicore systems
Memory bus contention strongly relates to the number of main memory requests generated
by tasks running on different cores of a multicore platform, which, in turn, depends on the …
by tasks running on different cores of a multicore platform, which, in turn, depends on the …
PInTE: Probabilistic induction of theft evictions
Cache contention analysis remains complex without a controlled & lightweight method of
inducing contention for shared resources. Prior art commonly leverages a second workload …
inducing contention for shared resources. Prior art commonly leverages a second workload …
Bounding cache persistence reload overheads for set-associative caches
Cache memories have a strong impact on the response time of tasks executed on modern
computing platforms. For tasks scheduled under fixed-priority preemptive scheduling …
computing platforms. For tasks scheduled under fixed-priority preemptive scheduling …
Server based task allocation to reduce inter-task memory interference in multicore systems
SA Rashid - 2019 International Conference on Frontiers of …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In multicore systems tasks running on one core may experience inter-task interference from
tasks running on other cores. This inter-task interference is due to contention in using shared …
tasks running on other cores. This inter-task interference is due to contention in using shared …
Novel Frameworks for Lightweight and Robust Cache Contention Analysis
CAM Gomes - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The growing number of internet-capable devices drives the increase in intense computation
being off-loaded to environments like the cloud, data centers, and high-performance …
being off-loaded to environments like the cloud, data centers, and high-performance …