A review of immersive technologies, knowledge representation, and AI for human-centered digital experiences

N Partarakis, X Zabulis - Electronics, 2024 - mdpi.com
The evolution of digital technologies has resulted in the emergence of diverse interaction
technologies. In this paper, we conducted a review of seven domains under a human-centric …

Gamified VR storytelling for cultural tourism using 3D reconstructions, virtual humans, and 360° videos

E Kontogiorgakis, E Zidianakis, E Kontaki, N Partarakis… - Technologies, 2024 - mdpi.com
This work addresses the lack of methodologies for the seamless integration of 360° videos,
3D digitized artifacts, and virtual human agents within a virtual reality environment. The …

[HTML][HTML] Safeguarding traditional crafts in Europe

N Partarakis, X Zabulis - Encyclopedia, 2023 - mdpi.com
Definition This entry discusses the challenge of safeguarding crafts in Europe. Safeguarding
is defined herein as the systematic process of understanding, representing, preserving, and …

A representation protocol for traditional crafts

X Zabulis, N Partarakis, C Meghini, A Dubois… - Heritage, 2022 - mdpi.com
A protocol for the representation of traditional crafts and the tools to implement this are
proposed. The proposed protocol is a method for the systematic collection and organization …

[HTML][HTML] Applying Cognitive Load Theory to eLearning of Crafts

N Partarakis, X Zabulis - Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2023 - mdpi.com
Craft education and training are important for preserving cultural heritage and fostering
artisanal skills. However, the pedagogical challenges in this domain are numerous. This …

[HTML][HTML] 3D Reconstruction & modeling of the traditional Greek trechadiri:“aghia varvara”

A Arapakopoulos, O Liaskos, S Mitsigkola… - Heritage, 2022 - mdpi.com
3D modeling techniques have grown increasingly prevalent in a variety of disciplines,
including cultural heritage and ship design. The methodology used in the 3D reconstruction …

[HTML][HTML] Biomechanical analysis of golf swing motion using hilbert–huang transform

R Dong, S Ikuno - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
In golf swing analysis, high-speed cameras and Trackman devices are traditionally used to
collect data about the club, ball, and putt. However, these tools are costly and often …

[HTML][HTML] A Case Study on Supporting the Preservation, Valorization and Sustainability of Natural Heritage

Z Pervolarakis, A Agapakis, E Zidianakis, A Katzourakis… - Heritage, 2022 - mdpi.com
Caves can be considered as features of the landscape that have been formatted through a
long period and are signs of the past climatological conditions, of prehistoric animal and …

[PDF][PDF] A Review, Analysis, and Roadmap to Support the Short-Term and Long-Term Sustainability of the European Crafts Sector

N Partarakis, X Zabulis, C Meghini, A Dubois, I Moreno… - Heritage, 2025 - drive.google.com
This publication highlights the strategic combination of the preservation of heritage and
innovation for supporting the sustainability of traditional crafts in Europe. Demonstrating both …

[HTML][HTML] Quality assessment of virtual human assistants for elder users

M Foukarakis, E Karuzaki, I Adami, S Ntoa… - Electronics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Virtual humans (VHs) are gaining increasing attention in various fields, including games and
cultural heritage and technological contexts including virtual reality and augmented reality …