A review of collaborative air-ground robots research

C Liu, J Zhao, N Sun - Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2022‏ - Springer
The collaboration of heterogeneous robots is a hot topic in multi-intelligent agents,
characterized by wide-area coverage and high environmental adaptability. Compared with a …

Micro UAV swarm for industrial applications in indoor environment: a systematic literature review

S Awasthi, M Fernandez-Cortizas, C Reining… - Logistics …, 2023‏ - econstor.eu
This contribution provides a systematic literature review of micro aerial vehicle (MAV)
swarms for indoor industrial applications. First, an initial list of 1997 publications that …

Extinguishing of ground fires by fully autonomous UAVs motivated by the MBZIRC 2020 competition

V Walter, V Spurný, M Petrlík, T Báča… - 2021 International …, 2021‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a system for autonomous extinguishing of ground fires using the placement of
fire blankets by Multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is proposed. The proposed …

Fast cost-aware lazy-theta over euclidean distance functions for 3d planning of aerial robots in building-like environments

JA Cobano, R Rey, L Merino… - 2022 IEEE/RSJ …, 2022‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a fast cost-aware any-angle path planning algorithm for aerial robots in
3D building-like environments. The approach integrates Euclidean Distance Fields (EDF) …

3D Semantic Heuristic Planning for Safer Aerial Robot Navigation Indoors

JA Cobano, S Martinez, L Merino… - 2024 IEEE 29th …, 2024‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a 3D safe heuristic planner for aerial robot indoor navigation
incorporating semantic information of the environment. Our interest lies in how the inclusion …

Generalized Lazy-Theta* for 3D path planning considering non-uniform costs

R Rey, JA Cobano, L Merino… - … on Unmanned Aircraft …, 2022‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a 3D safe path planning solution for UAS in cluttered environments. 3D
any-angle path planning algorithms are used by including non-uniform costs related to …

[HTML][HTML] From erl to mbzirc: Development of an aerial-ground robotic team for search and rescue

B Arbanas, F Petric, A Batinović, M Polić… - … and Control-Theories …, 2021‏ - intechopen.com
This chapter describes the efforts of the LARICS team in the 2019 European Robotics
League (ERL) Emergency Robots and the 2020 Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics …

Evaluation of Neural Euclidean Signed Distance Fields for Distance-Aware Local Path Planning

G Gil, JA Cobano, F Caballero… - 2024 7th Iberian Robotics …, 2024‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a 3D local path planner based on Neural Euclidean Signed Distance
Fields (ESDFs). There are approaches in the literature that make use of ESDFs as …

Hašení požárů uvnitř budov pomocí autonomního UAV

N Vojtěch - 2023‏ - dspace.cvut.cz
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a implementacı́ algoritmů pro autonomnı́ vyhledávánı́,
detekci, lokalizaci, sledovánı́ a hašenı́ požárů pomocı́ speciálně navržené a zkonstruované …

State Estimation and Mission Planning for Precision-critical Aerial Field Robotics

R Girod - 2022‏ - research-collection.ethz.ch
Rotary-wing micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) are disrupting geomatics, logistics, and
maintenance industries. Being airborne and easy to deploy they are a great tool to …