Synthetic dimensions for topological and quantum phases

J Argüello-Luengo, U Bhattacharya, A Celi… - Communications …, 2024 -
The concept of synthetic dimensions works particularly well in atomic physics, quantum
optics, and photonics, where the internal degrees of freedom (Zeeman sublevels of the …

Entanglement Hamiltonians and the quasiparticle picture

F Rottoli, C Rylands, P Calabrese - arxiv preprint arxiv:2407.01730, 2024 -
The entanglement Hamiltonian (EH) provides the most comprehensive characterization of
bipartite entanglement in many-body quantum systems. Ground states of local Hamiltonians …

Contextuality in infinite one-dimensional translation-invariant local Hamiltonians

K Yang, X Zeng, Y Luo, G Yang, L Shu… - npj Quantum …, 2022 -
In recent years there has been a growing interest in treating many-body systems as Bell
scenarios, where lattice sites play the role of distant parties and only near-neighbor statistics …

Locally controlled arrested thermalization

KKW Ma, HJ Changlani - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The long-time dynamics of quantum systems, typically, but not always, results in a thermal
steady state. The microscopic processes that lead to or circumvent this fate are of interest …

Boundary-induced singularity in strongly-correlated quantum systems at finite temperature

DZ Wang, GF Zhang, M Lewenstein… - Quantum Science and …, 2023 -
Exploring the bulk-boundary correspondences and the boundary-induced phenomena in
the strongly-correlated quantum systems belongs to the most fundamental topics of …

[หนังสือ][B] Quantum Computation for Condensed Matter Systems

A Francis - 2023 -
Understanding condensed matter systems involves understanding the interactions of many-
body systems and studying the emerging phases and phase transitions of these quantum …

[PDF][PDF] Preparation of Correlated Many-Body States Using Rydberg Atom Tweezer Arrays

D Noachtar - 2023 -
Programmable quantum simulators have proven a powerful tool for studying strongly
correlated matter. In particular Rydberg atoms trapped in optical tweezer arrays have been …