When is a bond broken? The polarizability perspective.

D Hait, M Head‐Gordon - Angewandte Chemie, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The question of when a chemical bond can be said to be broken is of fundamental chemical
interest but has not been widely studied. Herein we propose that the maxima of static …

Beryllium dimer: A bond based on non-dynamical correlation

M El Khatib, GL Bendazzoli, S Evangelisti… - The Journal of …, 2014 - ACS Publications
The bond nature in beryllium dimer has been theoretically investigated using high-level ab
initio methods. A series of ANO basis sets of increasing quality, going from sp to spdf ghi …

Near equivalence of polarizability and bond order flux metrics for describing covalent bond rearrangements

L Kim, T Head-Gordon - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Identification of the breaking point for the chemical bond is essential for our understanding of
chemical reactivity. The current consensus is that a point of maximal electron delocalization …

Cumulant map** as the basis of multi-dimensional spectrometry

LJ Frasinski - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Cumulant map** employs a statistical reconstruction of the whole by sampling its parts.
The theory developed in this work formalises and extends ad hoc methods of 'multi-fold'or …

Revealing electronic features governing hydrolysis of cephalosporins in the active site of the L1 metallo-β-lactamase

EO Levina, MG Khrenova, AA Astakhov, VG Tsirelson - RSC advances, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
The QM/MM simulations followed by electron density feature analysis are carried out to
deepen the understanding of the reaction mechanism of cephalosporin hydrolysis in the …

Ab initio investigation of potential energy curves of He2, He2+, and extrapolation by the machine learning method

S Xu, A Lu, X Zhong, Y Guo, J Shi - International Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Diatomic molecules H e 2+ H e _2^+, H e 2 H e _2 are common compositions in plasmas
using the helium as the working gas, and play key roles in quenching O2 and N2. However …

Decay rate of real space delocalization measures: a comparison between analytical and test systems

A Gallo-Bueno, E Francisco, AM Pendás - … Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016 - pubs.rsc.org
We examine in this contribution the possible relation between the spatial decay rate of real
space delocalization measures and the insulating-or metallic-like character of molecular and …

The total position-spread tensor: Spin partition

M El Khatib, O Brea, E Fertitta, GL Bendazzoli… - The Journal of …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
The Total Position Spread (TPS) tensor, defined as the second moment cumulant of the
position operator, is a key quantity to describe the mobility of electrons in a molecule or an …

Map** of Hückel zigzag carbon nanotubes onto independent polyene chains: Application to periodic nanotubes

G François, C Angeli, GL Bendazzoli… - The Journal of …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
The electric polarizability and the spread of the total position tensors are used to
characterize the metallic vs insulator nature of large (finite) systems. Finite clusters are …

An unexpected bridge between chemical bonding indicators and electrical conductivity through the localization tensor

ÁM Pendás, JM Guevara-Vela, DM Crespo… - Physical Chemistry …, 2017 - pubs.rsc.org
While the modern theory of the insulating state shows that the conducting or insulating
properties of a system can be extracted solely from the ground state properties via the so …