Defining the middle corona

MJ West, DB Seaton, DB Wexler, JC Raymond… - Solar Physics, 2023‏ - Springer
The middle corona, the region roughly spanning heliocentric distances from 1.5 to 6 solar
radii, encompasses almost all of the influential physical transitions and processes that …

The Imprint of Intermittent Interchange Reconnection on the Solar Wind

PF Wyper, CR DeVore, SK Antiochos… - The Astrophysical …, 2022‏ -
The solar wind is known to be highly structured in space and time. Observations from Parker
Solar Probe have revealed an abundance of so-called magnetic switchbacks within the near …

In-flight radiometric calibration of the Metis Visible Light channel using stars and comparison with STEREO-A/COR2 data

Y De Leo, A Burtovoi, L Teriaca, M Romoli… - Astronomy & …, 2023‏ -
Context. We present the results for the in-flight radiometric calibration performed for the
Visible Light (VL) channel of the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter. Aims. The …

Recurrent solar density transients in the slow wind observed with the Metis coronagraph

R Ventura, E Antonucci, C Downs, P Romano… - Astronomy & …, 2023‏ -
Aims We aim to investigate and characterize the morphology and dynamics of small-scale
coronal plasma density inhomogeneities detected as brighter, denser features propagating …

Coronal heating rate in the slow solar wind

D Telloni, M Romoli, M Velli, GP Zank… - The Astrophysical …, 2023‏ -
This Letter reports the first observational estimate of the heating rate in the slowly expanding
solar corona. The analysis exploits the simultaneous remote and local observations of the …

Space weather-related activities and projects on-going at INAF-Turin Observatory

A Bemporad, S Fineschi, L Abbo, C Benna… - … Lincei. Scienze Fisiche …, 2023‏ - Springer
Abstract The Solar Physics Group at the INAF-Turin Astrophysical Observatory (OATo) is
actually involved in different Space Weather (SW) projects and missions. In particular, this …

The first coronal mass ejection observed in both visible-light and UV HI Ly-α channels of the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter

V Andretta, A Bemporad, Y De Leo, G Jerse… - Astronomy & …, 2021‏ -
Context. The Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter offers a new view of coronal mass
ejections (CMEs), observing them for the first time with simultaneous images acquired with a …

Possible evidence for shear-driven Kelvin–Helmholtz instability along the boundary of fast and slow solar wind in the corona

D Telloni, L Adhikari, GP Zank, L Zhao… - The Astrophysical …, 2022‏ -
This paper reports the first possible evidence for the development of the Kelvin–Helmholtz
(KH) instability at the border of coronal holes separating the associated fast wind from the …

Coronal mass ejection followed by a prominence eruption and a plasma blob as observed by Solar Orbiter

A Bemporad, V Andretta, R Susino, S Mancuso… - Astronomy & …, 2022‏ -
Context. On 2021 February 12, two subsequent eruptions occurred above the western limb
of the Sun, as seen along the Sun-Earth line. The first event was a typical slow coronal mass …

Eruptive events with exceptionally bright emission in HI Ly-α observed by the Metis coronagraph

G Russano, V Andretta, Y De Leo, L Teriaca… - Astronomy & …, 2024‏ -
Context. Ultraviolet (UV) emission from coronal mass ejections can provide information on
the evolution of plasma dynamics, temperature, and elemental composition, as …