Grain boundary complexion transitions
Grain boundaries can undergo phase-like transitions, called complexion transitions, in
which their structure, composition, and properties change discontinuously as temperature …
which their structure, composition, and properties change discontinuously as temperature …
A review of wetting versus adsorption, complexions, and related phenomena: the rosetta stone of wetting
This paper reviews the fundamental concepts and the terminology of wetting. In particular, it
focuses on high temperature wetting phenomena of primary interest to materials scientists …
focuses on high temperature wetting phenomena of primary interest to materials scientists …
Observations of grain-boundary phase transformations in an elemental metal
The theory of grain boundary (the interface between crystallites, GB) structure has a long
history and the concept of GBs undergoing phase transformations was proposed 50 years …
history and the concept of GBs undergoing phase transformations was proposed 50 years …
Structural phase transformations in metallic grain boundaries
Structural transformations at interfaces are of profound fundamental interest as complex
examples of phase transitions in low-dimensional systems. Despite decades of extensive …
examples of phase transitions in low-dimensional systems. Despite decades of extensive …
Predicting phase behavior of grain boundaries with evolutionary search and machine learning
The study of grain boundary phase transitions is an emerging field until recently dominated
by experiments. The major bottleneck in the exploration of this phenomenon with atomistic …
by experiments. The major bottleneck in the exploration of this phenomenon with atomistic …
Grain-boundary metastability and its statistical properties
Grain-boundary (GB) structure and properties are usually analyzed in terms of ground-state
(minimum-energy) GB states. However, global equilibrium is rarely achieved in materials. In …
(minimum-energy) GB states. However, global equilibrium is rarely achieved in materials. In …
Dual phase patterning during a congruent grain boundary phase transition in elemental copper
The phase behavior of grain boundaries can have a strong influence on interfacial
properties. Little is known about the emergence of grain boundary phases in elemental …
properties. Little is known about the emergence of grain boundary phases in elemental …
Grain boundary phases in bcc metals
We report a computational discovery of novel grain boundary structures and multiple grain
boundary phases in elemental body-centered cubic (bcc) metals represented by tungsten …
boundary phases in elemental body-centered cubic (bcc) metals represented by tungsten …
Defect phases–thermodynamics and impact on material properties
Two approaches in materials physics have proven immensely successful in alloy design:
First, thermodynamic and kinetic descriptions for tailoring and processing alloys to achieve a …
First, thermodynamic and kinetic descriptions for tailoring and processing alloys to achieve a …
Coherent and semicoherent α/β interfaces in titanium: structure, thermodynamics, migration
The α/β interface is central to the microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium
alloys. We investigate the structure, thermodynamics and migration of the coherent and …
alloys. We investigate the structure, thermodynamics and migration of the coherent and …