Coevolutionary theory of hosts and parasites
Host and parasite evolution are closely intertwined, with selection for adaptations and
counter‐adaptations forming a coevolutionary feedback loop. Coevolutionary dynamics are …
counter‐adaptations forming a coevolutionary feedback loop. Coevolutionary dynamics are …
Variation in infectivity and aggressiveness in space and time in wild host–pathogen systems: causes and consequences
Variation in host resistance and in the ability of pathogens to infect and grow (ie
pathogenicity) is important as it provides the raw material for antagonistic (co) evolution and …
pathogenicity) is important as it provides the raw material for antagonistic (co) evolution and …
[KNJIGA][B] Relentless evolution
JN Thompson - 2013 -
At a glance, most species seem adapted to the environment in which they live. Yet species
relentlessly evolve, and populations within species evolve in different ways. Evolution, as it …
relentlessly evolve, and populations within species evolve in different ways. Evolution, as it …
The geographical mosaic of coevolution in a plant–pollinator mutualism
Although coevolution is widely accepted as a concept, its importance as a driving factor in
biological diversification is still being debated. Because coevolution operates mainly at the …
biological diversification is still being debated. Because coevolution operates mainly at the …
A meta-analysis of factors affecting local adaptation between interacting species
JD Hoeksema, SE Forde - The American Naturalist, 2008 -
Adaptive divergence among populations can result in local adaptation, whereby genotypes
in native environments exhibit greater fitness than genotypes in novel environments. A body …
in native environments exhibit greater fitness than genotypes in novel environments. A body …
Coevolution of venom function and venom resistance in a rattlesnake predator and its squirrel prey
Measuring local adaptation can provide insights into how coevolution occurs between
predators and prey. Specifically, theory predicts that local adaptation in functionally matched …
predators and prey. Specifically, theory predicts that local adaptation in functionally matched …
Adaptation of a plant pathogen to partial host resistance: selection for greater aggressiveness in grapevine downy mildew
An understanding of the evolution of pathogen quantitative traits in response to host
selective pressures is essential for the development of durable management strategies for …
selective pressures is essential for the development of durable management strategies for …
Phenotypic mismatches reveal escape from arms-race coevolution
Because coevolution takes place across a broad scale of time and space, it is virtually
impossible to understand its dynamics and trajectories by studying a single pair of …
impossible to understand its dynamics and trajectories by studying a single pair of …
Spatial variation in disease resistance: from molecules to metapopulations
Variation in disease resistance is a widespread phenomenon in wild plant–pathogen
associations. Here, we review current literature on natural plant–pathogen associations to …
associations. Here, we review current literature on natural plant–pathogen associations to …
The coevolving web of life (American society of naturalists presidential address)
JN Thompson - The American Naturalist, 2009 -
Coevolution—reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species—is one of the central
biological processes organizing the web of life, and most species are involved in one or …
biological processes organizing the web of life, and most species are involved in one or …