Method and apparatus to provide multiple-mode spatial processing to a terminal unit
CH Barratt, AA Kasapi - US Patent 7,277,679, 2007 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 1. Field The present invention relates generally to a Wireless
communication system, and in particular to a radio receiver that includes a plurality of spatial …
communication system, and in particular to a radio receiver that includes a plurality of spatial …
Wireless packet data distributed communications system
HC Haugli, WR Seed - US Patent 7,590,083, 2009 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A two-way satellite communications system includes an Earth station
communicating with a plurality of remote ter minals using a network access protocol that …
communicating with a plurality of remote ter minals using a network access protocol that …
Method and apparatus for reducing current consumption
PA Tomasi, T Zhao, LS Angel, MJ Schellinger… - US Patent …, 2001 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and apparatus reduces current consumption of a mobile
communication unit, Such as a cellular or mobile telephone that communicates with a base …
communication unit, Such as a cellular or mobile telephone that communicates with a base …
Timer-based sleep for terminals in wireless communication systems
JA Hutchinson, S Turner - US Patent 7,689,196, 2010 - Google Patents
106d-if ye u-ris-if 5. initially estimated (eg, based on time since last activity and a particular
usage model). A timer value is then determined based on the estimated probability of data …
usage model). A timer value is then determined based on the estimated probability of data …
Efficient detection of general paging messages in poor signal to noise environments
G Bayley - US Patent 6,539,242, 2003 - Google Patents
5,745,860 A* 4/1998 Kallin...... 455/574 general paging message in the Sequence of
messages. If So, 5,873,043 A* 2/1999 Comer......... 455/458 the remote unit enters the …
messages. If So, 5,873,043 A* 2/1999 Comer......... 455/458 the remote unit enters the …
Synchronization for extending battery life
SJ Goldberg, SE Terry - US Patent 8,023,475, 2011 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The more often a battery operated device, such as a wire less
transmit/receive unit (WTRU), looks for possible data being sent to it, the more power the …
transmit/receive unit (WTRU), looks for possible data being sent to it, the more power the …
Method and apparatus for sharing portable terminal in CDMA system and mobile RFID system
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus which
can effectively use a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile station system and a …
can effectively use a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile station system and a …
Remote unit for providing spatial processing
CH Barratt, AA Kasapi - US Patent 7,996,049, 2011 - Google Patents
US 2010/O2O2313 A1 Aug. 12, 2010 Related US Application Data Continuation of
application No. 1 1/853,992, filed on Sep. 12, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,702,298, which is a …
application No. 1 1/853,992, filed on Sep. 12, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,702,298, which is a …
Remote unit for providing multiple-mode spatial processing
CH Barratt, AA Kasapi - US Patent 8,326,374, 2012 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatus implementing spatial processing in a remote unit. In general, in one
aspect, a remote unit in accor Int. C. dance with the invention includes a spatial processing …
aspect, a remote unit in accor Int. C. dance with the invention includes a spatial processing …
Paging a mobile station individually and using broadcast pages
WD Willey, Z Cai - US Patent 8,190,177, 2012 - Google Patents
The present disclosure relates generally to a manner by which to page a mobile station both
with an individually directed page and with a broadcast page. More particularly, the present …
with an individually directed page and with a broadcast page. More particularly, the present …