Distribution and transport of hydrogen in the lithospheric mantle: A review
S Demouchy, N Bolfan-Casanova - Lithos, 2016 - Elsevier
The minerals constituting the Earth's upper mantle are nominally anhydrous silicates
(NAMs). However they do contain hydrogen as a trace element, decorating point defects in …
(NAMs). However they do contain hydrogen as a trace element, decorating point defects in …
A review of water contents of nominally anhydrous natural minerals in the mantles of Earth, Mars and the Moon
AH Peslier - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2010 - Elsevier
Olivine, pyroxene and garnet are nominally anhydrous but can accommodate tens to
hundreds of parts per million (ppm) H2O or “water” in the form of protons incorporated in …
hundreds of parts per million (ppm) H2O or “water” in the form of protons incorporated in …
Partitioning of water during melting of the Earth's upper mantle at H2O-undersaturated conditions
We present the results of an experimental study of the partitioning of water between common
upper mantle minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, garnet) and silicate melt …
upper mantle minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, garnet) and silicate melt …
Dehydration melting of nominally anhydrous mantle: The primacy of partitioning
The onset of dehydration melting of nominally anhydrous peridotite can be calculated by
combination of appropriate mineral/melt partition coefficients for H2O, DHmin/liq, and a …
combination of appropriate mineral/melt partition coefficients for H2O, DHmin/liq, and a …
Constraining the volume of Earth's early oceans with a temperature‐dependent mantle water storage capacity model
The water content in Earth's mantle today remains poorly constrained, but the bulk water
storage capacity in the solid mantle can be quantified based on experimental data and may …
storage capacity in the solid mantle can be quantified based on experimental data and may …
Mechanisms of hydrogen incorporation and diffusion in iron-bearing olivine
The incorporation and diffusion of hydrogen in San Carlos olivine (Fo 90) single crystals
were studied by performing experiments under hydrothermal conditions. The experiments …
were studied by performing experiments under hydrothermal conditions. The experiments …
The effect of tetrahedral Al3+ on the partitioning of water between clinopyroxene and silicate melt
JA O'Leary, GA Gaetani, EH Hauri - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010 - Elsevier
This experimental study examines the influence of tetrahedrally coordinated Al3+ (IVAl3+)
on the partitioning of H+ between high-Ca clinopyroxene and silicate melt. Experiments …
on the partitioning of H+ between high-Ca clinopyroxene and silicate melt. Experiments …
Calibration of infrared spectroscopy by elastic recoil detection analysis of H in synthetic olivine
Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) was used to measure the H contents of 18 synthetic
Fo90 olivines that had been hydrated to varying degrees in high pressure hydrothermal …
Fo90 olivines that had been hydrated to varying degrees in high pressure hydrothermal …
Water partitioning between mantle minerals from peridotite xenoliths
The speciation and amount of water dissolved in nominally anhydrous silicates comprising
eight different mantle xenoliths has been quantified using synchrotron micro-FTIR …
eight different mantle xenoliths has been quantified using synchrotron micro-FTIR …
Toward a unified hydrous olivine electrical conductivity law
It has long been proposed that water incorporation in olivine has dramatic effects on the
upper mantle properties, affecting large‐scale geodynamics, and triggering high electrical …
upper mantle properties, affecting large‐scale geodynamics, and triggering high electrical …