Disrupting pest reproduction techniques can replace pesticides in vineyards. A review

D Thiery, V Mazzoni, R Nieri - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2023 - Springer
Today, we are faced with an increase in the impact of pesticides on the environment, which
is becoming a real concern for most agricultural production systems, including vineyards, for …

Intruding into a conversation: how behavioral manipulation could support management of Xylella fastidiosa and its insect vectors

S Avosani, R Nieri, V Mazzoni, G Anfora… - Journal of Pest …, 2024 - Springer
Behavioral manipulation (BM) is a multimodal control approach based on the interference
with the stimuli mediating insect perception and interaction with the surroundings. BM could …

Semiochemicals, semiophysicals and their integration for the development of innovative multi-modal systems for agricultural pests' monitoring and control

R Nieri, G Anfora, V Mazzoni… - JOURNAL OF …, 2021 - openpub.fmach.it
An international journal Editor-in-chief Volume 19, 2021 SPECIAL ISSUE Page 1 1 Journal of
Mediterranean Ecology vol. 19, 2021 - SPECIAL ISSUE An international journal Editor-in-chief …

Plant protection and biotremology: fundamental and applied aspects

A Pekas, V Mazzoni, H Appel, R Cocroft, M Dicke - Trends in Plant Science, 2024 - cell.com
There is overwhelming evidence that synthetic pesticides have a negative impact on the
environment and human health, emphasizing the need for novel and sustainable methods …

Communication by substrate-borne mechanical waves in insects: from basic to applied biotremology

J Strauß, N Stritih-Peljhan, R Nieri… - Advances in insect …, 2021 - Elsevier
Biotremology is a field of study focused on an ancient way of communication by animals
endowed with specialized organs for emission and reception of substrate-borne vibrations …

Anthropogenic noise and the bioacoustics of terrestrial invertebrates

M Raboin, DO Elias - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019 - journals.biologists.com
Anthropogenic noise is an important issue of environmental concern owing to its wide-
ranging effects on the physiology, behavior and ecology of animals. To date, research has …

Effect of vibrational mating disruption on flight activity and oviposition to control the grapevine pest, Scaphoideus titanus

V Zaffaroni-Caorsi, R Nieri, NM Pugno… - Arthropod Structure & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The increasing demand for safe and sustainably produced food is leading to the
development of strategies of pest control alternative to chemicals. One innovative method is …

Vibrations as a new tool for pest management–a review

R Yanagisawa, H Tatsuta, T Sekine… - Entomologia …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Sensory stimuli are essential for arthropod survival and reproduction. Given the widespread
use of vibrational communication among diverse taxa, exploiting vibrational senses has …

Potential of substrate-borne vibration to control greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and increase pollination efficiencies in tomato Solanum lycopersicum

T Sekine, T Takanashi, R Onodera, T Oe… - Journal of Pest …, 2023 - Springer
The effects of substrate-borne vibration with frequencies of 30 and 300 Hz on the number of
the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and the number of fruit sets in …

Biotremology: vibrational communication of Psylloidea

YC Liao, DM Percy, MM Yang - Arthropod Structure & Development, 2022 - Elsevier
Psyllids perform duetting via vibrational signals between genders that are important in pre-
copulation species specific recognition. To date, vibrational behavior has been recorded in …