Agent-oriented model-driven development for JADE with the JADEL programming language
This paper describes, from motivations and main objectives to actual implementation, a
novel agent-oriented programming language called JADEL. JADEL is designed to support …
novel agent-oriented programming language called JADEL. JADEL is designed to support …
IoT based hand hygiene compliance monitoring
Compliance monitoring and surveillance is an important task in hospitals and health centers
as the health-care associated infections can have serious consequences such as increasing …
as the health-care associated infections can have serious consequences such as increasing …
Applying model driven engineering techniques to the development of contiki-based IoT systems
The huge variety of smart devices and their communication models increases the
development complexity of embedded software for the Internet of Things. As a consequence …
development complexity of embedded software for the Internet of Things. As a consequence …
On the use of a domain-specific modeling language in the development of multiagent systems
Abstract The study of Multiagent Systems (MASs) focuses on those systems in which many
intelligent agents interact with each other. The agents are considered to be autonomous …
intelligent agents interact with each other. The agents are considered to be autonomous …
Agent-based cyber-physical system development with sea_ml++
Intelligent agents are software components that can work autonomously and proactively to
solve the problems collaboratively. To this end, they can behave in a cooperative manner …
solve the problems collaboratively. To this end, they can behave in a cooperative manner …
Declarative specifications for the development of multi-agent systems
The designing and implementation of a multi-agent system (MAS), where autonomous
agents collaborate with other agents for solving problems, constitute complex tasks that may …
agents collaborate with other agents for solving problems, constitute complex tasks that may …
Improving the Usability of a MAS DSML
Context: A significant effort has been devoted to the design and implementation of various
domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) for the software agents domain. Problem …
domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) for the software agents domain. Problem …
A DSL for the development of software agents working within a semantic web environment
Software agents became popular in the development of complex software systems,
especially those requiring autonomous and proactive behavior. Agents interact with each …
especially those requiring autonomous and proactive behavior. Agents interact with each …
Enhancing occupants comfort and well-being through a smart office setup
A smart office, a particular case of Building Automation, represents a physical environment
enriched with sensing, actuation, communication and computation capabilities aiming at …
enriched with sensing, actuation, communication and computation capabilities aiming at …
[PDF][PDF] Extending Message Handlers with Pattern Matching in the Jadescript Programming Language.
G Petrosino, F Bergenti - WOA, 2019 - ailab.unipr.it
Extending Message Handlers with Pattern Matching in the Jadescript Programming Language
Page 1 Extending Message Handlers with Pattern Matching in the Jadescript Programming …
Page 1 Extending Message Handlers with Pattern Matching in the Jadescript Programming …