Adolescent perceptions of technology-based sexual and reproductive health services: A systematic review
Technology-based services, including telehealth, text messaging, and the internet are
increasingly popular methods for adolescents and young adults (AYA) to access sexual and …
increasingly popular methods for adolescents and young adults (AYA) to access sexual and …
Screening for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea in primary health care: systematic reviews on effectiveness and patient preferences
J Pillay, A Wingert, T MacGregor, M Gates… - Systematic …, 2021 - Springer
Background We conducted systematic reviews on the benefits and harms of screening
compared with no screening or alternative screening approaches for Chlamydia trachomatis …
compared with no screening or alternative screening approaches for Chlamydia trachomatis …
Opt-out, routine emergency department syphilis screening as a novel intervention in at-risk populations
Background With syphilis rates rising rapidly in the United States, novel means of reaching
high-risk populations for screening and treatment are needed. Building on successful …
high-risk populations for screening and treatment are needed. Building on successful …
Recommendation on screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea in primary care for individuals not known to be at high risk
A Moore, G Traversy, DL Reynolds, JJ Riva, G Thériault… - Cmaj, 2021 - cmaj.ca
• Chlamydia trachomatisand Neisseria gonorrhoeaeare the most commonly reported
sexually transmitted bacterial infections in Canada and can cause complications including …
sexually transmitted bacterial infections in Canada and can cause complications including …
A review of current guidelines and research on the management of sexually transmitted infections in adolescents and young adults
KE Gannon-Loew… - Therapeutic Advances in …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Adolescents and young adults are at high risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Providers have the responsibility to accurately manage these infections to prevent medical …
Providers have the responsibility to accurately manage these infections to prevent medical …
Facilitators to implementing preventive health interventions for adolescents in the emergency department: A multicenter qualitative analysis
E Rutland, M Bugaighis, AT Cruz… - Academic …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Adolescents frequently use the emergency department (ED) to meet their health
care needs, and many use the ED as their primary source of care. The ED is therefore well …
care needs, and many use the ED as their primary source of care. The ED is therefore well …
A research agenda for emergency medicine–based adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Objective The objective was to identify key questions for emergency medicine (EM)‐based
adolescent sexual and reproductive health and to develop an evidence‐based research …
adolescent sexual and reproductive health and to develop an evidence‐based research …
Cost-effectiveness of sexually transmitted infection screening for adolescents and young adults in the pediatric emergency department
Importance Adolescents and young adults compose almost 50% of all diagnosed sexually
transmitted infection (STI) cases annually in the US. Given that these individuals frequently …
transmitted infection (STI) cases annually in the US. Given that these individuals frequently …
Hospitalized Adolescents' Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussions
V McFadden, K Porada, N Emlen, ML Pickett… - Hospital …, 2024 - publications.aap.org
OBJECTIVES Experts recommend that providers discuss adolescent patients' sexual and
reproductive health (SRH) at any health care encounter, including hospitalizations. The …
reproductive health (SRH) at any health care encounter, including hospitalizations. The …
Pediatric emergency physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding confidential adolescent care
CK Gutman, A Koyama, M Pickett… - Pediatric …, 2023 - journals.lww.com
Objectives More than 19 million adolescents seek care in the emergency department (ED)
annually. We aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to …
annually. We aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to …