[PDF][PDF] Applications of remote sensing in agriculture-A Review
Remote sensing is the art and science of gathering information about the objects or area of
the real world at a distance without coming into direct physical contact with the object under …
the real world at a distance without coming into direct physical contact with the object under …
A review of agricultural drought assessment with remote sensing data: Methods, issues, challenges and opportunities
Drought is a frequent hydrometeorological phenomenon that affects every individual,
including animals. It causes significant economic and human losses. Various traditional …
including animals. It causes significant economic and human losses. Various traditional …
[HTML][HTML] A new global database of meteorological drought events from 1951 to 2016
Study region This study has three spatial scales: global (0.5°), macro-regional, and country
scale. The database of drought events has specific entries for each macro-region and …
scale. The database of drought events has specific entries for each macro-region and …
Assessment and prediction of index based agricultural drought vulnerability using machine learning algorithms
The consequences of droughts are far-reaching, impacting the natural environment, water
quality, public health, and accelerating economic losses. Applications of remote sensing …
quality, public health, and accelerating economic losses. Applications of remote sensing …
Land use classification and change detection by using multi-temporal remotely sensed imagery: The case of Chunati wildlife sanctuary, Bangladesh
The degraded Chunati wildlife sanctuary (CWS) has undergone various land use changes
since 1980s. In this study, land use changes of CWS were assessed from 2005 to 2015 by …
since 1980s. In this study, land use changes of CWS were assessed from 2005 to 2015 by …
Sensitivity of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to land surface temperature, soil moisture and precipitation over district Gautam Buddh Nagar, UP, India
This study examines the trends in MODIS/TERRA derived Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI) and its correlation with Land Surface Temperature (LST), Soil Moisture (SM) …
Index (NDVI) and its correlation with Land Surface Temperature (LST), Soil Moisture (SM) …
[PDF][PDF] Planetscope nanosatellites image classification using machine learning.
To adopt sustainable crop practices in changing climate, understanding the climatic
parameters and water requirements with vegetation is crucial on a spatiotemporal scale. The …
parameters and water requirements with vegetation is crucial on a spatiotemporal scale. The …
[HTML][HTML] Agricultural drought conditions over mainland Southeast Asia: Spatiotemporal characteristics revealed from MODIS-based vegetation time-series
Drought is a reoccurring slow-onset hazard event and has a tremendous impact on
agricultural production and ecosystem health. Mainland Southeast Asia is a major rainfed …
agricultural production and ecosystem health. Mainland Southeast Asia is a major rainfed …
Meteorological drought study through SPI in three drought prone districts of West Bengal, India
Deficiency in rainfall introduces drought phenomena with temporal and spatial variability in
terms of intensity and magnitude. Study of drought in different scales is necessary for …
terms of intensity and magnitude. Study of drought in different scales is necessary for …
[HTML][HTML] Impacts of drought on vegetation assessed by vegetation indices and meteorological factors in Afghanistan
Drought has severe impacts on human society and ecosystems. In this study, we used data
acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Tropical …
acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Tropical …